1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs/Pics

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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

The paint on the head sculpt needs to be much darker. They are painting him more Will Smith toned than Cheadle toned. That statement probably sounds worst than what I'm actually saying. lol

No, I totally agree. Cheadle's skin is much darker than that. Everyone's skin tone is a different shade. That was my biggest issue with the War Machine headsculpt - the skin was too light. I think more people would have been happy with that sculpt if it was colored correctly. Sometimes a good sculpt will look off because its not painted right.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Went ahead and ordered this through BBTS. I think this will be good. I have been looking forward to an Iron Patriot release.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

No, I totally agree. Cheadle's skin is much darker than that. Everyone's skin tone is a different shade. That was my biggest issue with the War Machine headsculpt - the skin was too light. I think more people would have been happy with that sculpt if it was colored correctly. Sometimes a good sculpt will look off because its not painted right.

Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

A figure with almost no accessories that cost over $300, here we go again.

This is a trend with Hot Toys. First comes a figure with a legitimate reason to be priced more. An abundance of accessories, an expensive licensing fee, or in this case a more expensive material.

Then pretty soon every figure costs that much, and everyone looks to that original price hike to justify it.

Now within a year every figure is going to cost over $300.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

The good ol days. When a figure was $160 and the last plastic Mark figure is going for $250 now.
$100 more for no reasonable reason besides them wanting to be an *** to us collectors.
Now $300 for a figure that has bits of metal parts and no accessories or features such as back flaps, removable armors parts, etc

Pretty sad to this where this hobby is going as far as the market goes. We need other companies to step up and compete with Hot Toys so they can lower the prices again.




Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Agreed. Time for some competition.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Well when they hit $350+ maybe more people will stop buying them, then you may see the prices drop. But as long as they sell they'll keep moving North.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

The good ol days. When a figure was $160 and the last plastic Mark figure is going for $250 now.
$100 more for no reasonable reason besides them wanting to be an *** to us collectors.
Now $300 for a figure that has bits of metal parts and no accessories or features such as back flaps, removable armors parts, etc

Pretty sad to this where this hobby is going as far as the market goes. We need other companies to step up and compete with Hot Toys so they can lower the prices again.





You just started collecting these things. Stop feeling so entitled. You have no idea what accessories or removable parts this thing should even come with...
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

The US prices actually make me jealous.. Hot Toys has a Dollar = euro conversion over here in Europe, which means that for a figure like the DX12 we actually pay 340 dollars instead of 260.. That is an entire different matter though but see it as a heads up, it could always be worse ;)
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

those old iron men look cheap in comparison to iron patriot not to mention inaccurate, iron patriot looks spot on, took 'em long enough
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

You just started collecting these things. Stop feeling so entitled. You have no idea what accessories or removable parts this thing should even come with...

Entitled? What the hell are you talking about?

I swear, some people seem to actually enjoy paying $100 more for a figure than they would have last year.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Isn't the reason for this sudden push for diecast stuff pretty much to c*ck block Play Imaginative from coming out with more 1/6 diecast ironman figs? So the real blame should go to those PI bastards. How dare they try to create competition in the market and get piece of the pie? We were all happy with our low priced (haha) plastic figs, then they had to come and and mess it all up. I hate them
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Dear Hot Toys,

If you're going to start charging $300+ per figure now, at least give us hand pegs for EACH separate hand unit instead of the standard lame (2) pegs in the baggy. Sheesh.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

You just started collecting these things. Stop feeling so entitled. You have no idea what accessories or removable parts this thing should even come with...
Uh what? Why does it matter if I just started collecting Hot Toys? I've been collecting for 15 years and have had my eyes on Hot Toys since they started. I only recently started collecting the Iron Man sets due to me having the finance to do so.

Did I say we're entitled to buy these anywhere?

And I'm sorry but you can't tell me this doesn't have back flap or ANY features the other mark suits have. So I'm guessing by your word this suit just walks around and shoots with it's back cannon while walking down the block? This is pretty much a poseable Hasbro Iron Man figure.

I'm not bashing the figure because it looks nice but why couldn't they have added moveable armor when they have done so in all the other mark suits? This is essentially the same thing but with metal bits.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

One of my biggest gripes with the iron man MMS figures has been how frail, hollow, and light they feel; compared to a batman figure that both looks like a rubber suit and feels like a rubber suit, or the great weight of their Predator figures, their iron man figures have always dissappointed me. So I very much welcome an iron man figure that actually has the weight and feel you'd expect.

That said, the more these figures cost the more critical I become; not only would I expect the head sculpt to be a dead-ringer at $305, but the proportions and minor details would need not be overlooked either. And sadly, Hot Toys Iron Men continue to suffer from impossibly skinny proportions. Rhodey would require Barbie doll proportions in order to actually be inside this Iron Patriot suit:


Imagine how narrow his hips would have to be, or how long his legs and neck are, and how tiny his head. I mean Jesus, somebody get that kid a sandwich!

They need to squash his proportions all down by like an inch. For reference:



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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

so.. is HT really not making more standard MMS IM3 suits?

Rhodey would require Barbie doll proportions in order to actually be inside this Iron Patriot suit:

Imagine how narrow his hips would have to be, or how long his legs and neck are, and how tiny his head. I mean Jesus, somebody get that kid a sandwich!

LOL maybe its out of proportion but not that much, you are taking this too far, it looks you are talking about this suit instead


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Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

One of my biggest gripes with the iron man MMS figures has been how frail, hollow, and light they feel; compared to a batman figure that both looks like a rubber suit and feels like a rubber suit, or the great weight of their Predator figures, their iron man figures have always dissappointed me. So I very much welcome an iron man figure that actually has the weight and feel you'd expect.

That said, the more these figures cost the more critical I become; not only would I expect the head sculpt to be a dead-ringer at $305, but the proportions and minor details would need not be overlooked either. And sadly, Hot Toys Iron Men continue to suffer from impossibly skinny proportions. Rhodey would require Barbie doll proportions in order to actually be inside this Iron Patriot suit:

Imagine how narrow his hips would have to be, or how long his legs and neck are, and how tiny his head. I mean Jesus, somebody get that kid a sandwich!

Whenever I look at the BD Mark III, I think of this.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Uh what? Why does it matter if I just started collecting Hot Toys? I've been collecting for 15 years and have had my eyes on Hot Toys since they started. I only recently started collecting the Iron Man sets due to me having the finance to do so.

Did I say we're entitled to buy these anywhere?

And I'm sorry but you can't tell me this doesn't have back flap or ANY features the other mark suits have. So I'm guessing by your word this suit just walks around and shoots with it's back cannon while walking down the block? This is pretty much a poseable Hasbro Iron Man figure.

I'm not bashing the figure because it looks nice but why couldn't they have added moveable armor when they have done so in all the other mark suits? This is essentially the same thing but with metal bits.
Thing is, this may be a stupid question but, how can anyone know FOR SURE it won't have moveable parts? True, it isn't shown in the pictures but that doesn't mean anything in my opinion.. That and this is just a prototype, it's too early to assume it won't have any moveable part for now..
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

One of my biggest gripes with the iron man MMS figures has been how frail, hollow, and light they feel; compared to a batman figure that both looks like a rubber suit and feels like a rubber suit, or the great weight of their Predator figures, their iron man figures have always dissappointed me. So I very much welcome an iron man figure that actually has the weight and feel you'd expect.

That said, the more these figures cost the more critical I become; not only would I expect the head sculpt to be a dead-ringer at $305, but the proportions and minor details would need not be overlooked either. And sadly, Hot Toys Iron Men continue to suffer from impossibly skinny proportions. Rhodey would require Barbie doll proportions in order to actually be inside this Iron Patriot suit:

Imagine how narrow his hips would have to be, or how long his legs and neck are, and how tiny his head. I mean Jesus, somebody get that kid a sandwich!

Here's hoping they'll fix the proportions on the actual figure.

They do have the 3D print out based on Marvel's 3D data (pictured center) to refer back to (which looks fantastic and spot on in the Mark 42 pic above...duh) so I'm hoping they'll beef both Patriot and 42 up before release.
Re: 1/6 Hot Toys - MMS195D1 - Iron Man 3: Iron Patriot Diecast Series Official Specs

Y'all are forgetting that this gives Hot Toys the excuse to later release a whole other line of ''Real Proportions'' Iron Man figures.