1/6 SSC ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader Modification Thread

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I did, and to me, honestly, with the exception of the nose and maybe overall width, the other areas look to be of varying smaller sizes. But hey, I haven't taken this thing apart in-hand so I wouldn't know. I just have my SS Vader near my Kaiyodo Hurricane Vader and one looks smaller than the other.

You prefer the sideshow over a hurricane? Wow. I thought hurricane vaders were considered grails?
Those two masks may as well not even be of the same character. They're just totally different in every way.
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You prefer the sideshow over a hurricane? Wow. I thought hurricane vaders were considered grails?

What, where did I say that?

My Hurricane Vader is from 2005 and holds up surprisingly well -- but it has the obvious problems of being essentially a bash. My Sideshow ANH was horrible but I spent some time upgrading him and he's decent now. Not sure which I prefer now that you put it out there.

I'm fairly certain I will prefer the HT. But that's just everlasting hope...
What, where did I say that?

My Hurricane Vader is from 2005 and holds up surprisingly well -- but it has the obvious problems of being essentially a bash. My Sideshow ANH was horrible but I spent some time upgrading him and he's decent now. Not sure which I prefer now that you put it out there.

I'm fairly certain I will prefer the HT. But that's just everlasting hope...

I interpreted it as such. I apologise. :)
The Kaiyodo mask is a little undersized with the Hasbro dome, but it sort of works as Wor-gar says. Even Marfmaster's (Hurricane) Vader, which always looks incredible in pics, looks a little off if you zoom in and make it less contrasty. The eye lenses and mouth triangle are just maybe 10% too small in comp to the dome, but it still looks great.


I also tweaked a few of McHaley's pics to make the SSC/Kaiyodo comps a little clearer...


ECzamurai, here's a pic from earlier in this thread that shows what Hurricane modded on the Kaiyodo (though there was also something done to the eyes/brows that isn't included in this pic), areas in red are mods:

While I'm really happy with how my modded ROTJ Vader looks at the moment, spending hours looking at reference pictures, and now all the talk and comparisons with the kaiyodo Vader, I can't look at my Vader without wishing that I had a more accurate mask. :lol From a 3/4 or profile view, the SS mask looks great, but straight on, he looks kind of bug-eyed.

I really hope the HT Vader gets at least the mask and dome right, so I can swap it with my current SS one.
While I'm really happy with how my modded ROTJ Vader looks at the moment, spending hours looking at reference pictures, and now all the talk and comparisons with the kaiyodo Vader, I can't look at my Vader without wishing that I had a more accurate mask. :lol From a 3/4 or profile view, the SS mask looks great, but straight on, he looks kind of bug-eyed.

I really hope the HT Vader gets at least the mask and dome right, so I can swap it with my current SS one.

To me the biggest problem with the Sideshow mask is the too-wide triangle of the mouth.
The Kaiyodo mask is a little undersized with the Hasbro dome,

Yeah, I'm not sure on what planet that first Vader image looks better than Sideshow's - it looks like it's been through a blender :rotfl - maybe it looks better in hand, but in a close-up photo it looks like it was sculpted from a potato and painted with a paint roller. Yuck. The ones following it are worlds better.
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Yeah, I'm not sure on what planet that Vader image looks better than Sideshow's - it looks like it's been through a blender - maybe it looks better in hand, but in a close-up photo it looks like it was sculpted from a potato and painted with a paint roller. Yuck.


Yeah, they definitely have a "hand-crafted" look but the ANH helmet does look a little rough in the movie. Not sure that would work for ESB and ROTJ. I'm not a fan of the Sideshow one's facemask, so it's a moot point for me.

How much did those Hurricane Vaders go for?

But yeah, the bottom of the mouth grill on that Hurricane Vader almost looks like melted plastic.
The Kaiyodo mask is a little undersized with the Hasbro dome, but it sort of works as Wor-gar says. Even Marfmaster's (Hurricane) Vader, which always looks incredible in pics, looks a little off if you zoom in and make it less contrasty. The eye lenses and mouth triangle are just maybe 10% too small in comp to the dome, but it still looks great.


I also tweaked a few of McHaley's pics to make the SSC/Kaiyodo comps a little clearer...


ECzamurai, here's a pic from earlier in this thread that shows what Hurricane modded on the Kaiyodo (though there was also something done to the eyes/brows that isn't included in this pic), areas in red are mods:


I think I will leave the kai to do mask as is. No sure if I will be modding it that extensively. I want an esb look so it has to be clean. I agrwe that grill is weird looking and the dome is very poorly placed so not the best comparison.
I think that first image is missing a Kangol logo on the helmet. Anyone want hook hook that up? I'd do it myself, but I'm pretty sick today and also watching my 2yo who's home sick too.
On a side note, I'm really starting to hate the SSC V2 cape. Whatever pose I try, and no matter how much time I spend futzing it, it never lays right.

That's funny, the cape is the only thing I really like on the Deluxe. Enough to buy another one for my SSC ANH. I guess I haven't futzed it enough. :lol
The Kaiyodo mask is a little undersized with the Hasbro dome, but it sort of works as Wor-gar says.

No, I agree, and said I think the Kaiyodo mask is on the smallish side except maybe the nose and width. I know because I have a Vader from an original kit (recasts are even smaller I'm told). Problem is, now most of the kits you get on ebay are actually knock-offs and recasts.
No, I agree, and said I think the Kaiyodo mask is on the smallish side except maybe the nose and width. I know because I have a Vader from an original kit (recasts are even smaller I'm told). Problem is, now most of the kits you get on ebay are actually knock-offs and recasts.

I have ordered an original thankfully. It's for cheap since it's already painted and put together and not mint. 25$ is a good price IMO.

If the nose and width aren't too small then that means the sculpt is off? I will try to fit the shaw HS in one to see for certain I guess.
I always thought Vader was cooler when we just saw the back of his head.

He was so mysterious. I liked the reveal though. Sebastian Shaw was properly made ugly. I kinda wish they had given the darker tone from the Vader/Luke/Emperor confrontation throughout the whole movie. It would have easily made ROTJ the best of the 3.
He was so mysterious. I liked the reveal though. Sebastian Shaw was properly made ugly. I kinda wish they had given the darker tone from the Vader/Luke/Emperor confrontation throughout the whole movie. It would have easily made ROTJ the best of the 3.

Yeah, but I guess George felt the Ewoks would balance the darker edge. In theory it does.

I like the Shaw reveal the same way I liked the Wizard of Oz reveal -- little man behind the monster. Better thematically. But the 10 year old inside me wants Vader to be hideous, angry and dangerous.
I think that first image is missing a Kangol logo on the helmet. Anyone want hook hook that up? I'd do it myself, but I'm pretty sick today and also watching my 2yo who's home sick too.
Hope you guys feel better. My son and I sick too. He had his 10th Birthday this past Sunday and had to go home early as he was struck with a fever. I was running a temp as well until this morning.

When I first saw ROTJ, I thought there would be just a bunch of wires and such behind Vader's mask. The ultimate mind f@$k and manipulation...messing with Luke's head the whole time about the father thing. Almost like Vader cyborg had been programed so well, it almost thought it WAS Luke's father.