Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

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<<Other New Goblin Pictures>>

Part 1: Box Art and Gear

Part 2: New Goblin and Spider-man

Part 3: Harry Osborn

Part 4: Flying-in
I want this figure. IDK what anyone says, Harry was Spiderman's most fleshed out villian. His story built up for three movies and delivered with their badass air-battle.

I said this but everyone just laughed and said bring on Venom... I dont know why ether Venom was the worst Spiderman villian to date!!! Sandman wasnt all that ether... Harry was in all the movies and his pay off in 3 was great... I want to order this again but I have so many things on PO now... My poor empty pockets are going to even more empty will be even more empty soon... :thud::thud::thud:
pics by 123_Kenneth










Awesome pics! I can't wait to get this on my shelf.

And as far as what some of you guys were saying about NG/Harry being a fleshed out villian in the series...I agree. I never really thought about it til it was mentioned but he had a well done story arch I actually ended up caring about the character towards the end.
This character deserves far more attention and respect than people give him. Francos role had more time to grow than any other villian in the series. His outfit is just fine. Are you guys saying snowboarders look crappy when they're going downhill? Snowboarders look badass, Harry looks badass, Dafoes Goblin looked very over the top.
I want this figure. IDK what anyone says, Harry was Spiderman's most fleshed out villian. His story built up for three movies and delivered with their badass air-battle.

I said this but everyone just laughed and said bring on Venom... I dont know why ether Venom was the worst Spiderman villian to date!!! Sandman wasnt all that ether... Harry was in all the movies and his pay off in 3 was great... I want to order this again but I have so many things on PO now... My poor empty pockets are going to even more empty will be even more empty soon... :thud::thud::thud:

This character deserves far more attention and respect than people give him. Francos role had more time to grow than any other villian in the series. His outfit is just fine. Are you guys saying snowboarders look crappy when they're going downhill? Snowboarders look badass, Harry looks badass, Dafoes Goblin looked very over the top.

I have to disagree, although Harry was built up as the villain throughout the trilogy and this was to be the big payoff it was handled in the most moronic fashion I've seen in a modern movie.

Harry was the bad guy at the beginning and then got "Amnesia", the most lazy plot device imaginable that is only reserved for crappy soap operas.

Not to mention that when he discovered his Dad was was a super-villain murderer his first thoughts weren't "hey maybe Spider-man saved a bunch of innocent people by killing my dad? maybe it was the only way?"

Then when he went bad again he ignored his long-standing friendship with an innocent MJ so he could hurt Peter through her... WTF!

Then the butler said: "oh yeah my bad, your dad killed himself, so all the hate you've had for Spidey the last year or so was futile, just FYI and everything" :cuckoo: :slap"

So he then becomes the good guy at the end and dies, it was intended to be this big epic moment of selfless heroism but ended up cliche and un-interesting in the scope of all the film-making and story problems, it treated the audience as fools.

That is my opinion on why this character is loathed by many.

Supplimentary note:

Mostly People generally don't like him because of his evil character costume, he just wasn't a goblin in any way!​
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I have to disagree, although Harry was built up as the villain throughout the trilogy and this was to be the big payoff it was handled in the most moronic fashion I've seen in a modern movie.

Harry was the bad guy at the beginning and then got "Amnesia", the most lazy plot device imaginable that is only reserved for crappy soap operas.

Not to mention that when he discovered his Dad was was a super-villain murderer his first thoughts weren't "hey maybe Spider-man saved a bunch of innocent people by killing my dad? maybe it was the only way?"

Then when he went bad again he ignored his long-standing friendship with an innocent MJ so he could hurt Peter through her... WTF!

Then the butler said: "oh yeah my bad, your dad killed himself, so all the hate you've had for Spidey the last year or so was futile, just FYI and everything" :cuckoo: :slap"

So he then becomes the good guy at the end and dies, it was intended to be this big epic moment of selfless heroism but ended up cliche and un-interesting in the scope of all the film-making and story problems, it treated the audience as fools.

That is my opinion on why this character is loathed by many.

Supplimentary note:

Mostly People generally don't like him because of his evil character costume, he just wasn't a goblin in any way!​

I agree with the amnesia part. He comes in and gets in a great, memorable fight with Spiderman but then it gets sort of ruined with the whole amnesia thing. It was unnecessary.

I dont really understand the hate for his costume tho. In my opinion its one of the cooler comic book costume translations. Its a lot more realistic then somebody wearing a Goblin mask and riding around on a purple glider and it looked like it was something that was more useful in combat. I can forgive the amnesia (even tho it really was a huge mess up) because there were alot of great things about the costume such as the costume, along with the character buildup in the previous movies with Franco's great portrayal of Harry and the epic final battle (I dont care what anybody says, that final battle in Spider-man 3 was alot of fun) which made me love the character.
Quit posting great pictures..I'm trying to say NO on this one...MUST TRY!

Not a fan of the character, but as a figure he's pretty neat. I could use a lot of this figure for bashes. He's got a lot of cool little 1/6 scale stuff ie. the mask, board, etc. However, I too am trying to resist buying this figure because of all the other stuff coming down the pipe.:gah: Stop with the pics!