Oh well gee,s thanks for that nice insult towards my intellegence
placenta303 Sorry if i spelt your name wrong its very hard typing in brail........???
And if you could read properly D---H---....you would see that the pic that you have quoted ... I was actually talking about the BELT not the NECK.... try and read these threads properly,.. If your going to use a Qoute, Be sure that you use the correct one,,,,,
So Who,s Blind...??..The one you should be referring to i posted above your fantastic input to this thread, so flick back to page 28 of THIS THREAD and look at the figs .. You might need to look closely though so you dont miss anything..?? These pics put a different perspective on the whole thing...
Maybe you could inspect the pics with your magnifying glass????
Well then ---- all those who like to knit pic every little pathetic picture angle that is presented on these threads...
Oh and thanks for your sarcism.. placenta303.... I didnt realise that this must be a
forum for pre schoolers in relation to some... Winge winge winge
.......Not blind....Just not overly disturbed... like some.. I might ask chris bale if i can measure the length from his shoulders to the base of his head and then I will divide that by the number of spanners in a sydchrome toolkit to give me the EXACT 1/6 scale neck measurement for this fig....
Oh thats right its only a figure.......Its Not Real.....................