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One of the best weeks ever, as far a figure buying:yess: All I have to say is...

Awesome pic! Thought they were all holding hands there for a second :slap

I've never been interested in MKVI, but your picture makes me think I should grab him. Then of course I think of all the pre orders I have to pay for. Guh.
@Verbal21: Great group pic on your 3 IMs there. :hi5:

You can clearly see the difference bet. the engineering of III BD and IV & VI. IMHO, I really dislike the proportion of III BD. :pfft:

Anyway, congrats man! :)
Anybody have any tips for getting the armoured neck off to fit the RDJ head on?

Got this guy 2 days ago and I've been dieing to get the RDJ head on there, but can't seem to navigate yanking that neck off.
Man the BD Mark III's proportion is really wack. Sold my regular Mark III and contemplated on the BD. Thank God I chose mark IV and VI.

They should re-do mark III.:pray:
Anybody have any tips for getting the armoured neck off to fit the RDJ head on?

Got this guy 2 days ago and I've been dieing to get the RDJ head on there, but can't seem to navigate yanking that neck off.

I pulled mine off by making the head "look up" until it just popped off. Really simple, but always scary for some reason
I pulled mine off by making the head "look up" until it just popped off. Really simple, but always scary for some reason

Aye, thanks for that. Just got it a little while ago, pushed it back till it popped off. Scares the junk out of me too, I think because I don't know how far a joint can go till you do it.
Just gonna ask again in case anybody know if the new Tony Stark sculpt would fit on a mark 3.
I have mine already wrapped and boxed to put on eBay but I'm contemplating keeping it to use the new sculpt on it
Just gonna ask again in case anybody know if the new Tony Stark sculpt would fit on a mark 3.
I have mine already wrapped and boxed to put on eBay but I'm contemplating keeping it to use the new sculpt on it

yes it should fit I am pretty sure there are pics floating around with that head sculpt on...
Just gonna ask again in case anybody know if the new Tony Stark sculpt would fit on a mark 3.
I have mine already wrapped and boxed to put on eBay but I'm contemplating keeping it to use the new sculpt on it

yes it should fit I am pretty sure there are pics floating around with that head sculpt on...

it looks goofy with a human head on it because of the proportions IMO

I also saw a few pics with the head sculpt on a Mk.III BD and like Nick says it looks goofy. I remember the body appeared to be too small for the sculpt.
You can clearly see the difference bet. the engineering of III BD and IV & VI. IMHO, I really dislike the proportion of III BD. :pfft:
With the Mk.III BD, it's not really convincing that there's a man inside the armor. However, with the Mk.IV and VI, it really looks like there could be someone inside. :clap
to me, the Mk III looks like an Iron Man. whereas the Mk IV/VI looks like an actual man in a suit of Iron. But yeah, as much as I love the MkIII, it just looks outdated compared to the other two which is great since it keeps up with the theme of how Tony's constantly evolving