Hot Toys Joker version 3??

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After re-reading the newsletter, we are definately getting a third Joker. I don't see how there is any doubt. The only question is what version. Hopefully it is the Nurse outfit. By far the most memorable Ledger Joker outfit.
not trying to be funny or anything but another joker i loved the way he played him but why not a gordon or alfred. i believe if it wasn't for any of these people there wouldn't be a Batman
I'm still hoping for an ultimate version that corrects some of the problems the V1 had. But more than likely it'll be a stripped down version 1 or nurse.
or how about a ledger make-over joker sculpt without joker make up...but no idea with the would be great to have a ledger face himself..and the box cover will ber "in memoriam heath ledger as joker TDK"
I think hot toys has a Ledger sculpt already. it's one of the military figures.

Atleast, I've been told this was intended to be ledger.


I can kinda see the joker there. I'm not real familior with ledgers likeness. Anywho, Imagine a hot toys two in one Commisioner Gordon figure, gordon in a suit, and also a full set of swat gear. I'd buy it in a second. we neeeeeeed a good gordon figure.
Well yeah, your shot has a beard :lol
but after seeing your pic, i DO see Ledger in the sculpt now.

it also bears mentioning that the hot toys military figures who are "based" or Real person's likenesses are generally kinda "soft" in the likeness department, and It's my opinion that this is intentional.
I can't see Ledger, the face is elongated, the nose is slender and long, but I agree the military likeness portraits are close but not as refined as genuine, licenses portraits.
either way, still kinda neet. I've actualy got one of these heads comming ( I snageed the nude body off Redplannettoy for the body and boots, the head came attached) Perhaps it's there, perhaps not, for laughs, I think I'll put the head on the joker figure regardless pose him with an unmakesed batman having coffee.
After re-reading the newsletter, we are definately getting a third Joker. I don't see how there is any doubt. The only question is what version. Hopefully it is the Nurse outfit. By far the most memorable Ledger Joker outfit.

I don't know if I could pick one outfit that was the single most memorable. I would say it was the most surprising definitely, but it's still a toss up between the traditional purple suit and the bank robber costume for me, and only the BR version because I can palpably remember the excitement of sitting and watching the prologue when it first aired... that and it's a mindblowing scene that establishes key themes for the Joker's character. Nurse Joker is the pivotal version for Harvey's turn as Two-Face; for that reason and its sheer unique shock value I think we'll get it and probably with two head sculpts. I'd say it's definitely the next one in the pipe.
I find the newsletters poor, sometimes a month is missed and nothing?... I think I've only had 3 newsletters since August.
My spam folder has been disabled for a long long time. :)
I didn't get the newsletter either even though I signed up for them, in any case, you can just read the news on their site. Still, I'm pretty sure they are planning on releasing another. Contrary to some, I don't want it to be the nurse but the more I think about it, the more it seems likely it's going to be that version. I'm personally hoping for a purple dressed Joker with a better head sculpt and accessories.
I am hoping it will be the nurse Joker and not the police uniform one. However I would prefer even more a Scarecrow, a Gordon or an Alfred or a Ra's Al Ghul from the first film.

Is it definitely going to be a TDK Joker?

It is the 20th anniversary of Batman 89 this year.
maybe the Police uniform Joker sans the makeup or the Nurse uniform....what other scene for this character can they possibly do other than what has been done??
I think the Nurse outfit may not be as big of a deal to die hard fans, but when you talk to casual movie fans about the Joker, inevitably the Nurse costume comes into discussion. I think it was more of a "classic Joker" moment that made the audience actually laugh at him. I also think the Nurse Joker is a better idea than the Cop Joker in that it adds some variety to the TDK shelf. Something a bit more colorful that stands out other than suited figures and Batman himself. So my hope is for a HT Nurse Joker with two heads, one laughing and one with his "Hi" smile. For me, that would complete HT's run on TDK Joker.
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