Hot Toys Joker version 3??

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Not a bad call. I'd prefer, and actualy buy a cop joker if they did one, but only to part him out, use the unpainted, no makeup face for an arkham joker, and the cop suit as a police officer 9 I'd love a hot toys detail level cop, especialy one that's Gotham PD)

if the heads on hte next one are good, i might snag the xtra heads, but that's likely all..

C'mon Hot toys, Commishior Gordon/Swat Gordon 2 in one!
With a Nurse Joker, I wonder if Hot Toys would make a new, slim/normal guy rubber suit body/legs. I can't imagine why they wouldn't as Joker shows as much skin as Dutch or Krauser or Rambo. At least parting out wise, that would make his body quite desirable (that didn't come out right) in addition to any extra heads he would come with.

Here is what I think a Nurse Joker would come with:

All new Joker sculpt - Smiling, slicked back hair for wig, clean make-up
All new Joker sculpt - Serious, normal hair, clean make-up
All new slim rubber suit body
Interchangable hands x 2 sets
Red Nurse Wig
White Nurse Outfit w/ IBiHD sticker, watch, pen, name tag
Colorful Joker socks (accurate ones this time)
White nurse shoes
White nurse mask
sillenced handgun with extended clip
folder with Harvey Dent files
shotgun (make up for not coming with BR Joker)
cell phone
Rocket Laucher (make up for not coming with V1 Joker)
Joker cards
Money (not $1 bills, to make up for not coming with either other Joker)
Look at the Superman 2 in 1 - they released Superman, then Clark, then the 2 in 1.

So this third Joker would be the original outfit AND the BR outfit, with the slick backed hair from the BR release and then a completely new sculpt with loose hair.

I have no information - that's just my guess.
With a Nurse Joker, I wonder if Hot Toys would make a new, slim/normal guy rubber suit body/legs. I can't imagine why they wouldn't as Joker shows as much skin as Dutch or Krauser or Rambo. At least parting out wise, that would make his body quite desirable (that didn't come out right) in addition to any extra heads he would come with.

Here is what I think a Nurse Joker would come with:

All new Joker sculpt - Smiling, slicked back hair for wig, clean make-up
All new Joker sculpt - Serious, normal hair, clean make-up
All new slim rubber suit body
Interchangable hands x 2 sets
Red Nurse Wig
White Nurse Outfit w/ IBiHD sticker, watch, pen, name tag
Colorful Joker socks (accurate ones this time)
White nurse shoes
White nurse mask
sillenced handgun with extended clip
folder with Harvey Dent files
shotgun (make up for not coming with BR Joker)
cell phone
Rocket Laucher (make up for not coming with V1 Joker)
Joker cards
Money (not $1 bills, to make up for not coming with either other Joker)

That's a nice list, but a bit more than I'd expect, HT's better than Medi with accessories, but still fairly light.

If they do nurse joker, here's what I think is likely to be with it.

2 Heads, 1 normal 1 specifically for the disguise effect and possibly having the read hair sculpted, if not some form of wig, sculpted or fake hair)

Full nurse costume which includes the paraphenilia and white mask, and knowing Hot Toys, it'll be the same socks as v1 Joker


Silenced Hand gun

2 sets of hands

Joker cards and money (because they seem easy enough for Hot Toys to just throw in.)

I don't see the clipboard or rocket launcher being included. Perhaps if we're lucky, the banker's shotgun.
Don't forget the schoolbus he jumps into to make his escape after blowing up Gotham General... That should be included as well.

I'd rather the shotgun to the rocket launcher, there's equivalent 1/6 weapons for both out there, but of the two, I like the shotgun better plus it got more use, so I'd like to see that, although if they copped out and just packed in the gun from Hicks which I already use as an ok substitute, then I don't care for it, I only want the shotgun if they bother to offer an accurrate one.
I still seeing a nurse/cop 2-N-1....:D

two heads like ALL the other figures released and very easy to do..we're ALL happy = smiling head and one with NO makeup...BTW..they hinted STRONGLY toward "heath" in the newsletter.
Look at the Superman 2 in 1 - they released Superman, then Clark, then the 2 in 1.

So this third Joker would be the original outfit AND the BR outfit, with the slick backed hair from the BR release and then a completely new sculpt with loose hair.

I have no information - that's just my guess.

Hmm - that actually makes a lot of sense.
Look at the Superman 2 in 1 - they released Superman, then Clark, then the 2 in 1.

So this third Joker would be the original outfit AND the BR outfit, with the slick backed hair from the BR release and then a completely new sculpt with loose hair.

I have no information - that's just my guess.

Hmm - that actually makes a lot of sense.

I hope not..:monkey4
that would mean those loyal to the whole line get stuck paying $150 for a single new head sculpt..:mad:
Look at the Superman 2 in 1 - they released Superman, then Clark, then the 2 in 1.

So this third Joker would be the original outfit AND the BR outfit, with the slick backed hair from the BR release and then a completely new sculpt with loose hair.

I have no information - that's just my guess.

Also remember that the Superman sculpts for the v1, Clark Kent addition and S2n1 were all different. Even if they went Joker 2 in 1 using simply the BR and original costuming it'd be new sculpts for both heads. Secondly, the SR Superman costuming wasn't as complex as the v1 Joker costuming, didn't have so many parts. So I have my doubts that v1 costuming would be included without being a straight rehash/reimagining.
That's what bothers me most with Hot Toys, usually it's one character they don't do that making them could really round off a line, but despite whatever success they have, they're unwilling to throw their loyal customers and hardcore fans of properties a bone and deliver what they want. TDK really just needs Jim Gordon to feel complete (sure you could add Fox or Alfred, etc. but they're not as big as Com. Gordon), Pirates only needed Barbossa, Aliens needed Newt and Bishop. They show no respect for their customers, only fool them with magic of shiny figures that make people forget the redundancy of it all and not feel screwed by what they don't get. Don't get me wrong, if it comes out to my liking I will get this Joker, but I'm not so caught up in HT Joker madness as to not be disgruntled with them over their tactics.

HT did the same thing with their Superman Returns line. I'm sure that
they could have easily included Lex Luthor and perhaps Superman in his
grey costume. In regards to TDK 2 Joker's is enough, especially since a
Gordon would round off the line and if HT took even more chances then
they would see the possibilities in a Scarecrow, Ras Al Ghul and Ninja
Bruce too.
Look at the Superman 2 in 1 - they released Superman, then Clark, then the 2 in 1.

So this third Joker would be the original outfit AND the BR outfit, with the slick backed hair from the BR release and then a completely new sculpt with loose hair.

I have no information - that's just my guess.

God I hope that's not the case. :banghead
it is, however the most likely from a business standpoint. lowest cost to them, with highest profit potential because of it.
HT did the same thing with their Superman Returns line. I'm sure that
they could have easily included Lex Luthor and perhaps Superman in his
grey costume. In regards to TDK 2 Joker's is enough, especially since a
Gordon would round off the line and if HT took even more chances then
they would see the possibilities in a Scarecrow, Ras Al Ghul and Ninja
Bruce too.

I doubt they'd go back to BB though. I'd love to see a ninja Bruce, Ras and Dr. Crane - but I don't see it happening.
I could see the V1 suit, possibly with a few improvements to the tie and shirt, with the v2 head or a new sculpt with the BR machine gun, coat full of grenades and maybe another new accessory or two.
Its not about money, its about sending a message.

I know I'm going to get flamed for this, but I've got to say it.

ummm... no it's not. They're a company, and they're about making a profit. If it was not about making a profit, then they'd be donating all the money they made to some charity in Ledger's name. But they're not, they're capitalizing on his likeness, and the universal outcry from the fan base in regards to his death. it's no different than all those people months after 9/11 in NYC who were selling two towers memorabilia. I know it seems a little distasteful, but it's Buisness 101. You strike while the Iron is hot to get the most reward. Ledger is popular right now for two reasons. One, he did a GREAT job with the role, there is no doubt, but that is further compounded by his death.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not crying foul on hot toys for doing this, if I were runnong their company, I'd be doing it too. Like i said, It's good buisness sense. But don't mistake it for some altruistic, Humanatarian gesture. In the end, it's about dollar signs. YOu may not like it, you may feel uncomfortable about it, but it is what it is.
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