Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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Politically Correct Censorship :lol

That sucks though, you get it through SSC? they'll send you a replacement hand

Apologises for that Nova haha. :lol
I got mine through an authorised dealer in Singapore and they told me a replacement will be done. Kudos to that.
Apologises for that Nova haha. :lol
I got mine through an authorised dealer in Singapore and they told me a replacement will be done. Kudos to that.

I meant the finger (being the middle finger and all) was removed so it wouldn't offend anyone.

Censorship is becoming crazy these days i wouldn't put it past certain countries to mutilate the figure in the name of Political Correctness. :slap

Great that your getting a replacement though :hi5:
Haha thanks for the clear-up Nova, that's cool and Mark V is really an awesome addition to the Ironman Series.
SSC is shipping this out already right? I might call today and have them simply push forward my last Flex.
Gone for the clean armour... For now, that damaged arm is too nice to leave in a box

Here's some pics


Trying to find a good pose with the arm in firing pose

great to hear everybody loves their mark V.....can't wait till tuesday. I paid for this guy back in February so it's like a little Birthday/Christmas present come early....
Got this yesterday,I was hesitant at first as I preferred the "Full armour suits" but it's really impressive and definitely a keeper!Some great pictures on here but I don't think You can appreciate the detail/quality unless it's in hand.
Just got to get some pics setup with Whiplash tonight!
I just opened mine. I love it. Unfortunately his right hand was broken. The piece that holds the hands on pulled off with the fist.

Also what's the deal with the flaps on the wrists? The ones that sit across the back of his hand. Mine are very loose and flop down if I pose him palms up. Is that normal?