1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 262 - Star Wars Episode IV - 1/6th scale Chewbacca Collectible Figure

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Took the cue given by davejames on using pastels... but unfortunately I have no pastels, but I do have my wife's make-up all over the bathroom. Easy to find the right delicate color. :lol

I didn't go crazy, just a subtle brushing across the brow, the cheeks and chin. Not certain it even shows in these wide shots but the facial area is noticeably lighter in hand.

Below are ALL with make-up... NOT before-and-after... and suddenly you can see the eyes!

View attachment 217820

Thanks davejames for the excellent idea! :duff


Mine still hasn't arrived (this week hopefully) but damn that looks good!
Thanks, appreciate it.

One other thing I just did was paint the nose a bit darker and shinier. After looking at some Chewie pics, the current nose just seemed a bit too light and gray to me.
Excellent! I need to get this guy ASAP!
I got to meet Peter Mayhew today and Kenny Baker. As I don't have my 2 pack yet I asked him to sign a Sideshow Stand.

He's a really nice man to chat to and when I shook his hand, his hand completely engulfed mine.

This is really weird because the head on my Chewie figure looks really good from all angles (in my opinion). However, there seems to be a large amount of variation on the heads that I'm seeing people posting here in the thread. Did I just get lucky with mine? Is it all down to the way the hair is applied to the head and how we're futzing them? Some heads look like lumpy from the Christmas holiday special but others look much more accurate.

And I haven't really seen any difference between these figures and the earlier ones people were getting.
This is really weird because the head on my Chewie figure looks really good from all angles (in my opinion). However, there seems to be a large amount of variation on the heads that I'm seeing people posting here in the thread. Did I just get lucky with mine? Is it all down to the way the hair is applied to the head and how we're futzing them? Some heads look like lumpy from the Christmas holiday special but others look much more accurate.

Well the hair can be shaped in so many different ways that I'm not surprised it can result in some completely different looks. The hair is almost a sculpture of it's own, on top of the sculpture underneath.

And unfortunately it does take a bit of finessing to sculpt that hair into something that sorta resembles Chewie.
Haha, you're so welcome. :lol And awesome job with the makeup Wor-Gar!


Mine still hasn't arrived (this week hopefully) but damn that looks good!

Great job wor gar!

Thanks gents!

I still see where I need some more futzing, and making the nose wet sounds like an excellent idea. You know, as simple at Chewie's hairdo is in ANH, its really hard to get that style to look good. Much easier to do a ESB/ROTJ look on this figure. But I'm stubborn.

As far as differences in the head, I think they're all very dark. The difference may be twofold:
1) in just how much glue you get on yours...which makes the hair darker ... and
2) hard to free up strands to make it look lighter.

Mine had some heavy gluing. Still very hard around the cheek-jawline.
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No offense to anyone here, but isn't it a lot to do to get this $250.00 figure to look like its supposed to? I know not every figure comes out of the box looking perfect but combing, painting and lightening the color is a lot just to have "the best 1/6 chewie that we've ever gotten."
Even without going to extreme levels to change the way he looks, he's already the best 1/6 Chewie that we've ever gotten.
No offense to anyone here, but isn't it a lot to do to get this $250.00 figure to look like its supposed to? I know not every figure comes out of the box looking perfect but combing, painting and lightening the color is a lot just to have "the best 1/6 chewie that we've ever gotten."
lol Even models and rock stars have to color and comb their hair to look their best. Give the figure a break!:)
Hey Wor,

Was thinking about your approach and wondered if eye lash make-up (brush thing they use in the tube) would work well because it's specifically designed to go on hair - even fake eye lashes (which I have no idea what they are made of)?

Thanks gents!

I still see where I need some more futzing, and making the nose wet sounds like an excellent idea. You know, as simple at Chewie's hairdo is in ANH, its really hard to get that style to look good. Much easier to do a ESB/ROTJ look on this figure. But I'm stubborn.

As far as differences in the head, I think they're all very dark. The difference may be twofold:
1) in just how much glue you get on yours...which makes the hair darker ... and
2) hard to free up strands to make it look lighter.

Mine had some heavy gluing. Still very hard around the cheek-jawline.
No offense to anyone here, but isn't it a lot to do to get this $250.00 figure to look like its supposed to?

Look like what? From Star Wars? Empire/Jedi? At that cost I can customized it to my preference and not like anybody else.
As far as differences in the head, I think they're all very dark. The difference may be twofold:
1) in just how much glue you get on yours...which makes the hair darker ... and
2) hard to free up strands to make it look lighter.

Mine had some heavy gluing. Still very hard around the cheek-jawline.

Yeah I think the glue is probably responsible for a lot of that. I was eventually able to pull up and loosen most of the hair on mine, to the point now where it's all pretty soft, but it took some doing (and a lot of licking my fingers to wet it down first. Lol)
Hey Wor,

Was thinking about your approach and wondered if eye lash make-up (brush thing they use in the tube) would work well because it's specifically designed to go on hair - even fake eye lashes (which I have no idea what they are made of)?

It might work, all depends on how much hair you free up. Not sure if they have light tan mascara though. :lol

Ask your girlfriend, but I think their powder/base/whatever is best because its very, very fine "paint" essentially and doesn't 'clump'. My girl had a plethora of colors and brushes to choose from. I used a very light tan color of something. :)

Yeah I think the glue is probably responsible for a lot of that. I was eventually able to pull up and loosen most of the hair on mine, to the point now where it's all pretty soft, but it took some doing (and a lot of licking my fingers to wet it down first. Lol)

The glue on mine was so hard and brittle I'm not sure any water would have loosened it up. I think I'm pretty much done at this point, even though I still have a lot of stuck hair.

I'm almost tempted to buy a 2nd head for fun just to try and see what I can get out of this without fear of ruining my only copy.
No offense to anyone here, but isn't it a lot to do to get this $250.00 figure to look like its supposed to? I know not every figure comes out of the box looking perfect but combing, painting and lightening the color is a lot just to have "the best 1/6 chewie that we've ever gotten."

Yeah maybe it is a lot, but all that really matters is what the figure looks like in the end. And if this one takes a bit more work to get there, then so be it. I mean, one could only focus on figures that already look near perfect out of the box, but then I think you'd be missing out on some really cool hidden treasures out there.

Plus for some of us, that's kinda part of the fun of this hobby anyway. Seeing if you can tweak something and make it look just a tiny bit better. :)
Not sure what's been so hard so far? Pulling hair free of some glue... and dusting on a little make-up in an area no bigger than my thumb. Pretty simple.

I've had to do a lot more work on 'simple' figures not covered in crazy hair.