Well, the issues with the face mask are minor. They seem to have gone for a more symmetrical mouth, but by doing that it almost looks like it's warped to the opposite side, instead of how it is on the prop, due to this the tusk tubes on the left side don't angle down as much as they should, which makes the mouth smaller. The top part of the cheeks, just beneath the eyes have a upward curve to it, while the real prop has an downward curve where it curves up out at the front cheek edges - you can see it on the side profile shot. And then there's the neck that curves differently and don't retreats back as far as it should, making it appear to be too much forward compared to the angle of the mask.
All these things are minor and even I can live with them. But the dome needs to be completely redone.
Thanks for the reply. Now I cant unsee that either. As always I'm impressed at the knowledge about costumes that people on this forum has.