1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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Other than getting this Hot Toys figure because I am a Vader collector, I do have to point out that this is by far the most accurate Vader in 1/6 scale to date.
I would presume, based on Hot Toys track record regarding non human inorganic sculpts like iron man, we can realistically expect the to improve upon the existing Vader if not keep on par. So any empire version would be at least as good, if not better and so on with the subsequent releases.
Unless another toy company comes along to trump Hot Toys, or if Hot Toys has another renaissance and their quality makes another leaps-and-bounds jump since the release of their Godfather Don Corleone, this Vader figure will be the cream of the crop for a while....

The Helmet is almost a carbon copy of the prop except the dome in profile, but it's damn good.
The chest armour is still very sideshow anh looking ... And the glove implementation sucks, but it's overall a most impressive figure. The price is a little steep, but they've added more value to the set since it was announced and even improved upon the prototype down to the last minute, which is somewhat of a feat for anyone who is familiar with how a company manufactures and schedules deadlines....

I for one am very impressed. I've always appreciated a company that put so much care and effort into a mass produced product even knowing that it would sell almost no matter what or how little effort went into it...it shows that this company approaches Star Wars as a passion project...
I still use that one on my ANH bash and there's no issues whatsoever.


Hoping after some futzing nothing is needed in the end with this figure, but it's nice/fun to think of some other part options. Only angle I'm not thrilled with the Hot Toys figure is straight on (but that could be partly due to lighting showing the inner dome and making the facemask appear narrower than it is). Every other angle I see it looks absolutely wonderful, really happy they reworked the dome (can't tell if they did anything else to be honest).
I decided I'm going to buy this, I have some rewards that I'm waiting to convert next week. Once that's all said and done I'l pay about $245 for this, which is not too bad.
Not sure if they've been posted already but wow..




I've been saving my rewards on this Vader which will make it only $20. Can't wait and always had faith in HT. For every SW release, bring on the next release. My body is ready!
Other than getting this Hot Toys figure because I am a Vader collector, I do have to point out that this is by far the most accurate Vader in 1/6 scale to date.
I would presume, based on Hot Toys track record regarding non human inorganic sculpts like iron man, we can realistically expect the to improve upon the existing Vader if not keep on par. So any empire version would be at least as good, if not better and so on with the subsequent releases.
Unless another toy company comes along to trump Hot Toys, or if Hot Toys has another renaissance and their quality makes another leaps-and-bounds jump since the release of their Godfather Don Corleone, this Vader figure will be the cream of the crop for a while....

The Helmet is almost a carbon copy of the prop except the dome in profile, but it's damn good.
The chest armour is still very sideshow anh looking ... And the glove implementation sucks, but it's overall a most impressive figure. The price is a little steep, but they've added more value to the set since it was announced and even improved upon the prototype down to the last minute, which is somewhat of a feat for anyone who is familiar with how a company manufactures and schedules deadlines....

I for one am very impressed. I've always appreciated a company that put so much care and effort into a mass produced product even knowing that it would sell almost no matter what or how little effort went into it...it shows that this company approaches Star Wars as a passion project...

I hope HT doesn't listen to all of those guys on FB who prefer the SS. I'd hate for them to drop the accuracy ball on any future releases.

Wow -- and I thought the HT chest armor was short. :lol

Thank god the HT Vader is the proper height. That solves a major issue. It's also nice to see just how much this looks like the old Marmit from 20 years ago. Took a long time but I finally feel like I'm getting closer to that perfection. Crazy that it was never produced.