1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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The HT naysayers disappear into their pipes like little pixels burning in the atmosphere when a wave of positivity hits the thread. There is no argument, this is the best 1/6 Vader ever, and it was made by Hot Toys. It is actually the second coming, and yes HT proved they are the best 1/6 toy manufacturer in the world.
The negatrons in this thread went silent right after everyone saw how flawless the HT dome and helmet are. This figure is awesome and a worthy replacement for the SSC Vaders. Glad I sold mine off for this one.

The HT naysayers disappear into their pipes like little pixels burning in the atmosphere when a wave of positivity hits the thread.
Hot Toys really came through for us this time! Vader is the only character that I break my "one figure per character" rule for.
Wow, I am really impressed. Looks like the final production version is a drastic improvement over the prototype. I'm really happy to see that they got the most important part, the helmet, pretty much spot on! It looks great and is easily the best production 1/6 Vader helmet out there by miles and miles. And I'm a pretty darn picky person when it comes to Vader and his helmet.

There are a few inaccuracies with the figure. The shoulder bell armor is still sculpted inaccurately (the two stripes should come back together at the bottom), but it's generally covered by the cape so not too big a deal. The one thing that does bug me is the chest armor being painted incorrectly. The center ridge should not be black, and the little ridges towards the outside (usually covered by the under tunic) shouldn't be black either. Those two I can live with, b/c like the shoulder bells, they'll rarely if ever be seen. But that center ridge... That's the one thing that gets to me cause it's so up front and center.

But over all, this looks to be an AMAZING figure. I just can't get over how great that helmet turned out. I was totally on the fence but now I want one! Too bad there's absolutely no way I can afford this guy any time soon. And by the time I could potentially consider it in a couple years he'll probably be triple price on the secondary market...

Ah well, at least I've got my modded SS ANH Vader that I'm still quite happy with.

Any one know if the helmet fits on and scales with the sideshow ANH Vader? That's the one thing I'd really like to improve on mine... Wonder how much that'll go for parted out...?
The negatrons in this thread went silent right after everyone saw how flawless the HT dome and helmet are. This figure is awesome and a worthy replacement for the SSC Vaders. Glad I sold mine off for this one.

To be fair, the helmet and mask didn't look all that great in all of those con pics. And while greatly improved, I wouldn't call them flawless.

I'll probably PO with the next monthly code.
Any one know if the helmet fits on and scales with the sideshow ANH Vader? That's the one thing I'd really like to improve on mine... Wonder how much that'll go for parted out...?

Probably $199. It's that good. :lol

Honestly if you were willing to put in the effort you could probably part this out and end up spending $50 or so on the helmet. Otherwise I would guess it would be as much as some good new head sculpts go for--$75 or more on Toy Anxiety, $120 on eBay? Not really sure to be honest. You'll find out soon when this hits stateside en masse.
There were no naysayers.... complaint about the cape and gloves are valid.... and notice the gloves are hidden in Para's pics.

Seriously??? Already forgotten what you wrote, huh?

You were complaining about a few other things than the cape and gloves...
This probably is the best non-custom 1/6 Vader we've ever gotten. But it's not without its flaws. Some can overlook them while others can't. I think that's a pretty fair assessment, right?
Someone said earlier that he's between 13 1/2" and 14", just a smidge shorter than the SSC DX.

I think the deluxe is 13 3/4" or 13 7/8" so 13 1/2" or 13 5/8" sounds about right based on the comparisons we saw.

When I was pulling together all the pieces for my Kaiyodo/Hurricane Vader, I dug through all the old Vader threads (tons of comments, arguments and posted ref pics...:slap) and the consensus seemed to be that Vader in 1/6 is between 13" and 13 1/4".

And yeah, a pic I have saved shows the SSC DX Vader laying on a ruler up close and it's 13 7/8" to the top of the dome and the HT Vader does look to be about 1/4" shorter.

Thank guys. :duff Still seems a tad to tall though. I really wanted this to be scaled perfectly though as my only complaint with SSC Vader was really the height. It looks real good in the pictures posted.

Great pics Para. Great pics Stealth; I really like your display and how you turned the display stands. It looks very nice that way.
I freaked out over how bad the figure looked in that teaser video that was posted before the fig hit in HK, but the pics afterwards made me eat my words. I still think other aspects of the figure are really not that great. The gloves are a real head-scratcher and the capes don't look all that good to me etc, but the amazing helmet makes up for it. I'm sure people will futz and/or come up with alternatives, so I'm looking forward to that.
I think it's definitely the best 1/6 Vader. No probably about it.
I agree with the rest though.

I had to hedge. :lol :duff

I freaked out over how bad the figure looked in that teaser video that was posted before the fig hit in HK, but the pics afterwards made me eat my words. I still think other aspects of the figure are really not that great. The gloves are a real head-scratcher and the capes don't look all that good to me etc, but the amazing helmet makes up for it. I'm sure people will futz and/or come up with alternatives, so I'm looking forward to that.

I freaked too. I wonder if those Dredd gloves are readily available.
He does have a saber hook on his belt right? Its on the proto but I don't recall seeing any pics with his saber hanging from his belt.
Seriously??? Already forgotten what you wrote, huh?

You were complaining about a few other things than the cape and gloves...

What the **** is your problem with me?

You act as if I destroyed this figure when I have complemented it. I have no need for the talking feature. Not a knock. I said I didn't like the scratches on the cheeks and said it looked good and very screen accuarte. Not a knock, just stating a personal preference. I said I didn't like the stitching on the cape and then a few days later retracted that and said the cape doesn't bother me much. The gloves... which has been a lot of peoples complaint.... still bothers me. They really are terrible.

Seriously man.... Don't cry over this now.

Is that "naysaying." Saying what you don't like about the figure? Then moving on? Then changing your opinion with new pics? I really don't understand some on here. State what I like... I get **** on. State what I hate.... I get **** on. State a simple observation.... I get **** on. State a preference.... I get **** on. I guess I see the norm here now.
Guys, heads up; if you wanna do the glove mod with Art Figures Dredd gloves, BlackOpsToys has 7 pair left. Go get 'em. Thanks Paramour and Stealth; your pics have guided my hand to the place order button on this one. Not perfect, but damn near close enough and beautiful.
What the **** is your problem with me?

You act as if I destroyed this figure when I have complemented it. I have no need for the talking feature. Not a knock. I said I didn't like the scratches on the cheeks and said it looked good and very screen accuarte. Not a knock, just stating a personal preference. I said I didn't like the stitching on the cape and then a few days later retracted that and said the cape doesn't bother me much. The gloves... which has been a lot of peoples complaint.... still bothers me. They really are terrible.

Seriously man.... Don't cry over this now.

Is that "naysaying." Saying what you don't like about the figure? Then moving on? Then changing your opinion with new pics? I really don't understand some on here. State what I like... I get **** on. State what I hate.... I get **** on. State a simple observation.... I get **** on. State a preference.... I get **** on. I guess I see the norm here now.

And here was I thinking exactly the same thing.

Every time I said something positive about it, you'd instantly bash it. You stated many times the SSC was better, that you'd be keeping it, and that you wouldn't get the HT.

And you know what, that's fine. It your prerogative to do whatever you want.

But when myself, and others, could clearly see the potential after those initial productions photos recently hit (and knew that all it would take is some futzing) - you continued to bash everything I said.

Regardless - lets agree to disagree and move on.

I'm not going to comment on your quotes anymore and I'd appreciate it if you did the same...

Searching for that photo made me stumble upon this.

SSC Vader is still better than HT Vader with these early shots.

Also... that Kenobi looks terrible in the duel with Vader....

I bet my left nut this will be regarded as the best 1/6 mass-produced when it lands in peoples hands.

Notice. YOU replied to me first

I would take that bet.... but I have no need for a left nut.

I reply with a joking response.

Take 2.

Anyone thinking that either of the SSC's look remotely good has got some serious issues with their eyesight. The Hot Toys looks like a full-size guy in a mask compared to the toys flanking it.

You defend this figure more than I defend the PT.

The gloves on the Hot Toys figure are garbage and the cape stitching bothers me more and more. Not to mention it does not really scream ANH for me. The dome bothers me with the weathering. Even if it is screen accurate, I really don't care, I don't like it.

The SSC ANH Vader looks small.

SSC Deluxe Vader is to tall. That picture is terrible of it as well. It makes it look toyish when in hand it looks pretty good. Other than that, I am happy with it and so far will be keeping it over the HT.

I reply to your Vader helmet post. I meant to put a :lol smily after the first post.... it was really more of a knock on myself than you. I stated what I didn't like.

Not defending it, just pointing out the obvious. Already said the gloves are bad and that I'd be swapping the cape. No different to the amount of work you need to put into most figures these days - but as a base, starting point... this decimates all previous 1/6 iterations.

Anyway, enjoy your SSC Vader!

PS: I'm going to mock the hell out of you if you end up getting the HT :wave

You reply with this ignorant rude post.

Why would you mock me if I buy this?

There are these things called returns.

If I buy this and don't like it, I can get my money back! Anymore I don't trust the pictures. Most people try to manipulate the figure into looking good using photography tricks and lighting and other things I probably don't know how to do. I will trust my in hand opinion of me physically holding a figure and looking at it. Go ahead and read through the Kenobi thread. The headsculpt is a generic old man. Yet it arrives on my doorstep in 12 hours. If I don't like it, I lose $20 and return it, no big deal to me. Same will be said with this figure. The helmet is good, the costume is good, only issues are the two piece gloves and cape stitching (which I could look past). If this Vader ends up being in scale I will probably buy it and compare it with my SSC version and try to figure out a solution to the gloves. If I like my SSC more..... I can send it back.

Even then... after buying Kenobi... I am now just thinking of keeping it. Even if I still don't like the sculpt on Kenobi or the gloves on Vader... it would be nice to have the full roster of Hot Toys OT Star Wars figures.

My response.

The suit fits a lot better than SSC deluxe. The cape stitching isn't that bad now that I look at it again and it does not seem to be noticeable from a distance. The gloves are still an issue and I don't know why gluing them down would fix that. They are not paper thin... so wouldn't they still be a glaring error? I decided to keep my Kenobi so I will be ordering this as well. Not going to pay the HK prices for this. $400 is to much. I can wait and enjoy my SSC Vader a bit longer.
Now that I see the scale... it seems a tad to small in some pictures for me. I think it is better scaled than SSC (which is really a tad to big with the current HT OT stuff) so that was my main issue and was really the deciding factor whether or not I would buy this.

Now for the SSC deluxe Vader gloves... those are the wrong pattern on the gloves correct? I am not going to really care about that though. I just hope the gloves fit because they seem to be big.

I never thought it looked bad. Always thought it looked pretty good. It is just that the gloves and stitching on the cape really prevent this from being a perfect figure.

Think I will place my PO now.... hopefully someone buying from HK does the glove switch.

Saying I will buy this.

And here was I thinking exactly the same thing.

Every time I said something positive about it, you'd instantly bash it. You stated many times the SSC was better, that you'd be keeping it, and that you wouldn't get the HT.

And you know what, that's fine. It your prerogative to do whatever you want.

But when myself, and others, could clearly see the potential after those initial productions photos recently hit (and knew that all it would take is some futzing) - you continued to bash everything I said.

Regardless - lets agree to disagree and move on.

I'm not going to comment on your quotes anymore and I'd appreciate it if you did the same...

After pics released I said I would be keeping SSC version. These "pics" were just screen-caps from the teaser video. After official pics released I never said anything like that so definitive.

I replied to you once after you said something positive.... not every-time... stop lying. "Bash everything I said" Yup, lie some more. Two total replies of my opinion is bashing what you said. No... it is called an opposite opinion. But hey... I guess that counts as everything you said.

I ask again. What is your problem?