1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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Here's a photo of the original ANH costume being worn by Kermit Eller who was an employee at Don Post Studios at the time. Kermit has worn the ANH Vader costume a lot more times than David Prowse because he was Vader for all of the public appearances (Shopping malls / Manns Chinese Theater / Academy Awards / Publicity photos). Prowse only wore the costume for the filming of the movie. The photo that was on the back of the Star Wars storybook (the one with the airbrushed lightsaber that I've shown below) was also Kermit Eller in costume!



So... the consensus seems to be it's too small, but next to ref pics, it doesn't seem to measure out to be? So many ANH pics are so blurry/grainy and darkly lit.
My exhaustive (1 minute google) search for the measurements of the original chestbox resulted in 6 1/2 in. x 6 3/4 in. So if someone could measure their HT chestbox we could put the question to sleep.

The belt was always high up on the body, so the first pictures that had it low like a regular belt left too much real estate between the box and belt so in any case it made it look a whole lot worse.
These pictures look great and it looks like its a great figure. But with so many Star Wars and Marvel figures out now, and coming out soon, something has to give. I have the SS one and I have been always happy with it on my shelf, so even if this version is better it would have to be A LOT better (subjective as that is) for me to want to upgrade now. I am looking forward to some side by side pictures when ever people who have the SS one get this.

Now onto this promo pic...
I would love to see the HT Vader posed like this with his light up saber - that would be absolutely iconic!
Ok i will concede now, this figure looks great with how para and stealth have it. With the belt and chest box adjusted like that it looks good, the custom tunic and cape help too. Still those gloves are ****ed, why the HELL did ht do them that way :explode:
^ Agreed. From the pics I've seen most issues with the figure have been addressed and HT made a very cool figure. The helmet is the best 1/6 scale so far, much better than the old giraffe SSC (which I still own and laugh at) and ESB/ROTJ Deluxe Vader. In some poses you can think it is a still from the movie. The chestbox might be a tad too small, and the gloves are still freaking creepy and ugly. In conclusion HT ANH Vader looks great. Though since I have too many Vader items already, I'll wait for the next 1/6 HT Vader (ESB, ROTJ or ESB/ROTJ) because I'm quite sure they will fix the little problems present on ANH Vader and thus maybe it will be one of the collectibles you could indeed call "ultimate" and "close to perfection".
I dont have the money set aside for this anymore though, that money goes to riddick and magneto. Not sure when i could get this either since next yr will be crazy too.
So the interrogation droid doesn't include the little stand seen in the coming soon pics?

Yes but it's a very cheap plastic.

I have just opened mine. It's a great figure and is far superior to the Sideshow version which I also had up until a few months ago.

However...and it's a big however...have you even tried to sort out the electronics yet Stealth?
As I have just spent over an hour and a half trying to sort him out and it's utterly infuriating. The belt lights are individual boxes where you have to put the batteries in each one. The instructions are unclear (too dark) as to the orientation and trying to get two teeny little batteries in there is not easy, even with a tweezer.

Here is the major rub though and to me this is major oversight by Hot Toys or it's just sloppy but the voice activation (which sounds great) is...wait for it....under two layers or garment that you have to open up at the back to hit the switch. The feature automatically switches off after 10mins and you have to take off layers of gear each time you want to activate it. Sadly the layers are too thick to feel the voice activation switch.
Now what in the name of arse where they thinking here exactly??

As it is, this Darth Vader represents the very first time I have given up on assembling and just left there with no patience left. And remember, I am one of those that remembers the days when Hot Toys came unassembled.

The light on the lightsaber is cool though.
I have just opened mine. It's a great figure and is far superior to the Sideshow version which I also had up until a few months ago.

However...and it's a big however...have you even tried to sort out the electronics yet Stealth?
As I have just spent over an hour and a half trying to sort him out and it's utterly infuriating. The belt lights are individual boxes where you have to put the batteries in each one. The instructions are unclear (too dark) as to the orientation and trying to get two teeny little batteries in there is not easy, even with a tweezer.

Here is the major rub though and to me this is major oversight by Hot Toys or it's just sloppy but the voice activation (which sounds great) is...wait for it....under two layers or garment that you have to open up at the back to hit the switch. The feature automatically switches off after 10mins and you have to take off layers of gear each time you want to activate it. Sadly the layers are too thick to feel the voice activation switch.
Now what in the name of arse where they thinking here exactly.

As it is, this Darth Vader represents the very first time I have given up on assembling and just left there with no patience left. And remember, I am one of those that remembers the days when Hot Toys came unassembled.

The light on the light saber is cool though.

Nah i couldn't be arsed fella, i know i'd never use them anyway and i plan to get a cathode saber for him anyway so not bothered with any of that.
This looks incredible. What do people mean by the 'inner' robe/tunic being wired? Is that the robe that is tucked under the belt, or the the one over the shoulders attached to the neck chain? I'm confused.

I know this is several pages back now, but thank you abake and para for clarifying. :duff

Vader looks like a bada$$. :)
Although it's gimmicky, I would've quite liked to have used to voice function from time to time. The batteries are in there now but being such a poorly thought out design it'll never be used :(

I know this is several pages back now, but thank you abake and para for clarifying. :duff

Vader looks like a bada$$. :)


No worries