1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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Yes but it's a very cheap plastic.

I have just opened mine. It's a great figure and is far superior to the Sideshow version which I also had up until a few months ago.

However...and it's a big however...have you even tried to sort out the electronics yet Stealth?
As I have just spent over an hour and a half trying to sort him out and it's utterly infuriating. The belt lights are individual boxes where you have to put the batteries in each one. The instructions are unclear (too dark) as to the orientation and trying to get two teeny little batteries in there is not easy, even with a tweezer.

Here is the major rub though and to me this is major oversight by Hot Toys or it's just sloppy but the voice activation (which sounds great) is...wait for it....under two layers or garment that you have to open up at the back to hit the switch. The feature automatically switches off after 10mins and you have to take off layers of gear each time you want to activate it. Sadly the layers are too thick to feel the voice activation switch.
Now what in the name of arse where they thinking here exactly??

As it is, this Darth Vader represents the very first time I have given up on assembling and just left there with no patience left. And remember, I am one of those that remembers the days when Hot Toys came unassembled.

The light on the lightsaber is cool though.

How does the pleather suit look compared with Sideshow's? Is it real leather or pleather, does it look cheap like it will flake over time?
This has me stupid excited for their 1/4 scale vader. While it doesn't give me the ANH vibe, as some have said, that helmet and outfit overall look damn good. Fantastic job by HT. If I still did 1/6 scale this would be a personal grail.

As for the gloves, I feel that maybe the design of them looked good on paper.
Star Wars experts: I need your help!
Problem : I have massive space issues and I can only fit in 3 Star Wars figures from anh! I know sucks big time!
My first obvious choice is vader!
My second obvious choice is Han Solo
My third figure is where I am completely confused!
Is there anyone who can help me decide between Obi and Chewbecca! (Am completely torn apart) I rarely sell my stuff so I want to get this third choice right!

Help me reason a bit friends :( :( :(

Glad to see I am not the only one ready to chuck the thing out the window Clipper King! I am having knightmare with one of the belt packs. I just cannot get the batteries to stay in.
Star Wars experts: I need your help!
Problem : I have massive space issues and I can only fit in 3 Star Wars figures from anh! I know sucks big time!
My first obvious choice is vader!
My second obvious choice is Han Solo
My third figure is where I am completely confused!
Is there anyone who can help me decide between Obi and Chewbecca! (Am completely torn apart) I rarely sell my stuff so I want to get this third choice right!

Help me reason a bit friends :( :( :(


Between those two I'd go for Chewy.
Star Wars experts: I need your help!
Problem : I have massive space issues and I can only fit in 3 Star Wars figures from anh! I know sucks big time!
My first obvious choice is vader!
My second obvious choice is Han Solo
My third figure is where I am completely confused!
Is there anyone who can help me decide between Obi and Chewbecca! (Am completely torn apart) I rarely sell my stuff so I want to get this third choice right!

Help me reason a bit friends :( :( :(


I don't think you can have Han without Chewie. I would go for the Obiwan, Vader and Luke set up if I were you. :)
You need a bigger shelf :lol

I'd say Luke is more necessary than Han, Obi or Chewie. If I was just going to have a shelf with 3 SW figures (which it would pain me greatly to do) I'd have ANH Vader, Luke and Kenobi.

But if you are dead set on Chewie or Kenobi, Chewie has a lot more shelf presence and then he gets to be buddies with Han.
I always find it funny that people often times bash a figure and say it looks horrible the. Once they in hand pics are out, they are the ones that order it the fastest. What I've learned in many few years with HT is if it looks really bad in the beginning, generally they will change it up. So while bashing may get them to listen and improve the figure, I would wait to really nitpick until the figure is in my hands. Don't see why people have to post amazing pictures to sway one to pull the trigger. It shouldn't come to that. If I like a figure or character, I'm already set on buying it from the beginning. If HT improves upon it, it's that much more of a bonus.
Star Wars experts: I need your help!
Problem : I have massive space issues and I can only fit in 3 Star Wars figures from anh! I know sucks big time!
My first obvious choice is vader!
My second obvious choice is Han Solo
My third figure is where I am completely confused!
Is there anyone who can help me decide between Obi and Chewbecca! (Am completely torn apart) I rarely sell my stuff so I want to get this third choice right!

Help me reason a bit friends :( :( :(


If you really have to stick to 3, I'd actually lose Han and get Chewie and Kenobi. Obi-Wan branches trilogies and is in all 6 movies so far, as well as Clone Wars etc...His ties to Vader are important in representing Star Wars as a Saga.

And Chewie is just an amazing figure. At the end of the day, Han is a human character with a relatively basic outfit, likeness issues and character coolness aside. Chewie is his own way can represent him and Han, again he branches all 3 trilogies, he represents all creatures, and frankly it's a feat that they got this mass produced.

Just my opinion.
If you really have to stick to 3, I'd actually lose Han and get Chewie and Kenobi. Obi-Wan branches trilogies and is in all 6 movies so far, as well as Clone Wars etc...His ties to Vader are important in representing Star Wars as a Saga.

And Chewie is just an amazing figure. At the end of the day, Han is a human character with a relatively basic outfit, likeness issues and character coolness aside. Chewie is his own way can represent him and Han, again he branches all 3 trilogies, he represents all creatures, and frankly it's a feat that they got this mass produced.

Just my opinion.

Or you go for Han, Chewie and Luke. I do not at all agree with having Han without chewy or vice versa as folks who see your collection will guaranteed always bug you asking where one or the other is.
Star Wars experts: I need your help!
Problem : I have massive space issues and I can only fit in 3 Star Wars figures from anh! I know sucks big time!
My first obvious choice is vader!
My second obvious choice is Han Solo
My third figure is where I am completely confused!
Is there anyone who can help me decide between Obi and Chewbecca! (Am completely torn apart) I rarely sell my stuff so I want to get this third choice right!

Help me reason a bit friends :( :( :(


And here I am debating about how to get only one figure. :dunno
Although it's gimmicky, I would've quite liked to have used to voice function from time to time. The batteries are in there now but being such a poorly thought out design it'll never be used :(
Aren't you worried about them leaking? Seems like this would be the perfect figure for the damn things to explode/leak and destroy the outfit. I'll be checking out the voice feature one time when I first futz the figure but can't see the point of leaving them in as I'll never want to go through the rigamarole required to reset the switch. Don't know what HT was thinking with that design. With some effort they could have made it totally functional. :/
Aren't you worried about them leaking? Seems like this would be the perfect figure for the damn things to explode/leak and destroy the outfit. I'll be checking out the voice feature one time when I first futz the figure but can't see the point of leaving them in as I'll never want to go through the rigamarole required to reset the switch. Don't know what HT was thinking with that design. With some effort they could have made it totally functional. :/

I'm going to attempt to take the wiring out of the tunic on the weekend so I'll remove them then.. after I've cycled through all the sounds once again of course ;)

This is true. Luke, ObiWan and Vader then.

Pretty solid looking figure after all, & not nearly as 'EPIII.5' looking as some of the earlier photos had us thinking. :lol

I think I'm down when I can afford one.
And here I was, looking at the proto in SDCC and early HT promo pics and thinking "easy pass...this should help out my wallet", and NOW look what's happened. I may have to buy THREE!!!