1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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I don't understand why anyone would be criticized or mocked for waiting until all of the empirical evidence around the appearance (and sometimes function) of a product moving from prototype to production can be examined prior to pulling the trigger. I'd be more inclined to criticize and mock someone who buy blindly hits the pre-order button just because the name of a character you like is slapped on the display stand :lol.

If one has the wherewithal to purchase every last product that HT (or any other company) produces sight unseen, well then more power to you. I suppose you're entitled to your self-righteous position. But with these prices rising like the tide during a tsunami, I'll be looking at anything and everything photographically or in person that I can consume before I commit my hard earned dollars to a collectible piece.

Don't you know? "Naysaying" is viewed as an evil action where you you will be mocked if you partake in that activity. No criticism is allowed in figures thread. No liking is allowed in movies threads. No criticism is allowed in tv threads.

Only popular opinion is allowed and if one does not go on that path.... he forever will be deemed as troll.
I'm never phased by Con photos. I don't rely on people posting pics when I've actually been to these cons, with the exception of the overseas ones. I only rely on myself, if I see any character I like that HT makes, I PO it. Which if all goes well, I plan on ordering every HT SW release. I buy what I like and don't rely on any photos whether they're terrible or amazing to convince me. I don't jump the bandwagon.

I also like how a lot of people said they would pass on so many figures then they release and order. It's hilarious. And I don't want you to think I'm singling you out. Just reply to your post. It's just these forums are hilarious. So many people go back and forth or bite their tongues once figures are released. It's like why not just wait and see with your own eyes? Rant over.

Most people don't see the figures at any of con and are relying on photos and the fact is these figures can change pretty drastically from proto to production (Han has a different face! :lol)--some for the worse, some for the better. People go back and forth not just because of terrible pictures but because the figures themselves in those photos actually sometimes don't look that good, it's not an illusion. If that's what the final Chewie actually looked like and if Vader wasn't changed, a lot more people would have passed on both. Despite all that I never canceled my Chewie pre-order (never ordered Vader, figuring I'd wait to see if production changes happened, but remained optimistic as I never was too thrilled with the SS Deluxe).

Given all that it's strange to come on the board and say "I told you so" to every body whose opinion changed based on a changing figure, just seems a little unnecessary. If people didn't react with their opinions on new sets of photos there would be nothing to talk about on this board for the 9 months between pre-order and release. Anyhow, it's good both these figures came out nicely, incredibly actually. Along with the Tama 3PO, could be the best SW figures made to date.
I don't understand why anyone would be criticized or mocked for waiting until all of the empirical evidence around the appearance (and sometimes function) of a product moving from prototype to production can be examined prior to pulling the trigger. I'd be more inclined to criticize and mock someone who buy blindly hits the pre-order button just because the name of a character you like is slapped on the display stand :lol.

If one has the wherewithal to purchase every last product that HT (or any other company) produces sight unseen, well then more power to you. I suppose you're entitled to your self-righteous position. But with these prices rising like the tide during a tsunami, I'll be looking at anything and everything photographically or in person that I can consume before I commit my hard earned dollars to a collectible piece.

But you see it's not blindly ordering when it pops up. I'm just in the mindset that the PO photos already look good and will be the best mass produced version of that particularly character that's a available now. Compared to any other company who can't even produce it or may have in the past(SS). Are the pictures satisfactory for me to assume it will look the same and sometimes better? Absolutely. Do I need further professional quality photos to confirm my decision? Absolutely NOT! Nor do I need to see it at a convention. Now ordering SS figures is more of blind order than HT. But that's another discussion. Point is, I order because I know HT will hit it out of the park. I don't need anyone else to convince me otherwise. I left the figures do the talking. And the initial PO pics look amazing enough for me to pull the trigger. If it comes out better, like Vader and Chewie and Han, that's a bonus.
Some people just don't know what they're talking about. I am no Vader expert (I mean not a huge one like you see often around here) but some of the guys on these FB pages didn't even know Vader had different costumes between the movies and some still are unable to see how wrong is the damn SSC unmodded helmet even if it's almost half the size of the HT and the screencaps. Meh.
I'm just pissed that Hot toys didn't get the Star wars licence before Sideshows Vader Deluxe. Well, guess I'll just pack the Deluxe away when the drool worthy Hot Toys Vader Arrives.:gah:
Helmet looks great. Not liking the lanky Spider-Man hands. Will try to resist buying, have other 2 SS versions. Can't spend $300 when there are so many new figures coming. Cannot give in to the dark side.
I think someone else asked already but it got buried... Anyone who's got this able to show us less fortunate souls what the old Sideshow ANH gloves look like on this?
Feeling a little innuendo coming my way regarding the back and forth with WWE - which, from my perspective, is simply a personality clash.

I couldn't stand the Chewie when it was first shown, and all through the con photos. I even did some photoshopping to show what the potential could be... and fortunately, with futzing, some amazingly talented gents in here pulled it off. It was only then I folded and decided to get it.

Seeing the quality of the Bespin Luke, we knew what we were in for with HT - yet I haven't and won't get that one. But based on their history, HT have (regardless of franchise) pretty much nailed all their releases - well, enough for me to be happy anyway. And based off the Stormtrooper, Han and Chewie, I'll happily get the rest of the ANH line from them.

I said I'd "mock" (poke fun at, is a reasonable definition of the word "mock") WWE, because he was soooo adamant that it was terrible and that he wouldn't get it, etc - and I was saying calm down and wait until it's been futzed to form an educated decision before trashing it. Based off those very first production shots, there was a lot to like if you could get past the pain of realizing you'd only recently forked out your hard-earn cash for what was supposed to be the "definitive" Vader, only to now accept it doesn't compare.

I've got the ANH SSC Vader and bought it on the secondhand market for a lot more than it originally sold for.

And that's the cycle of collecting; there will always be a better version, somewhere or someday...

Gotta love this hobby :)


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