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I really wish there was no gold at all on this figure. Yes, I'm a broken record, but come on, it would have potentially looked better than the 46.
I really wish there was no gold at all on this figure. Yes, I'm a broken record, but come on, it would have potentially looked better than the 46.
This suit plays such a minor role in this movie I have zero interest in it (plus I don't like the look) however that IM Spidey suit at the end- wow
youre not allowed to talk about that suit cause it appears in Infinity war and some nancy's on here dont want IW to be spoiled...
I think I'd rather just wait for a few months later for secondary markets to sell this for less than $300.
I think I'd rather just wait for a few months later for secondary markets to sell this for less than $300.
Theres some risk in that, I mean this is basically a rerun of the mold so HT's dont need to make many to turn a profit, they could drastically reduce these numbers vs the CW 46 which was more popular and still available, Making this the more sought after version
The amount of Mk47, and Tony Stark in general, are perfect. I loved how the Mk47 only appeared twice. Both times fitting the narrative of Peter not being ready, as both times were to save his ass.
The cruise ship scene was amazing and really showcased the skill/experience gap between Spidey and a legit Avenger. Here's Peter screwing up and on the brink of failing miserably, then in comes IM to super casually put the ship back together like it's nothing. Peter's scrambling, begging Tony to let him help with the ship. And Tony's just like yeahhh.... I got this and I (and to a deeper level, the Avengers) don't need your help.
I really have an appreciation for the IM scenes where he's simply saving people and not necessarily coming to blows with the baddie. The Mk42 airplane/free fall scene is one of my favorite IM scenes.
I also loved when Tony Stark DIDN'T show up. Peter stuck under the rubble was the point in the movie where you truly see his evolution. For a moment you forget he's Spider-Man, and all you see is a helpless little boy who's stuck, potentially on the verge of death, crying for help. IM could have easily came in, once again, to save him. But he didn't. Same goes for the final battle. Stark's plane being hijacked just begs for IM to show up and handle Vulture himself.
I wasn't expecting a team-up movie, but I read a lot of rumblings about people worrying that it would be. It wasn't, and the MCU has a better Spidey moving forward because of it.
This movie was amazing. I think the Mk47 was perfect in its role. Still not planning to pick it up, as I have the Mk46, but a very cool addition to your guys collection and I can't wait to see some pictures.
I recall in the trailers this suit was flying along Spidey swinging in the city. I didn't see that scene anywhere in the film. Almost led me to believe Iron Man was going to help him.
Just get the PP. It's a cool looking armor but I agree: It's not $400 memorable. But $200? Worth it to have it on the shelf.
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I wouldn't even say "when it sells out" as i doubt it will. Thats what will really drive that price downI have to say that while I still think it's lazy to repaint armors for movies at this point (yes, i get that it was cheaper and that Iron Man wasn't meant to be a primary focus of homecoming), the design has grown on me enough to want a representation of it in my collection, but it's still probably the least memorable out of Tony's "main" suits over the years and I agree it's not worth spending too much money on.
That's pretty much why the Power Pose version is enough for me. I'd consider getting the MMS version, but I only will if I can get it at a steal. I won't be heartbroken if I don't/can't. I highly doubt people will ever have to pay over retail for this one after it sells out.
It's just my opinion, but if they HAD put a little more creativity into the armor design and made it unique, then it probably would be much more desirable. Once the "OH BOY, IT'S ULTIMATE IRON MAN" B.S. got stale and people started to actually realize it was just a lackluster repaint of 46, the hype seemed to die down quite a bit.