Hot Toys - MMS179 - The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man

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Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

only thing I can think of is that they increased the thickness of the shoulder bracing, as that's where the damage occurs
as long as you hold/brace the shoulder for front/back movement, I think youll be fine
Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

Do your duty and go for it :)

If they really did re-engineer them and the shoulders are fixed, it will be a big win!
only thing I can think of is that they increased the thickness of the shoulder bracing, as that's where the damage occurs
as long as you hold/brace the shoulder for front/back movement, I think youll be fine

I agree, but doing a review, i need to be sure if it's "fixed" ya know?
Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

Hmm..never heard that before. I like your reviews I'd say if they send it to you I would like to see the review.

Some more poses

Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

I've been keeping up with the thread ever since the figure was released and I haven't seen any mention of reworked shoulder joints. You should definitely review the figure. More reviews are always a good thing.:)
Ric is a top guy.. I think some of you have it misunderstood.. I know him well and I know what he did was for the sake of the masses.

Had it not been for his videos, there would be a lot more broken Spideys. His instructional video warning people to be careful resulted in everyone here being careful, which has led to less broken figures. He sent it to Hot Toys rather than taking a free figure from Wai Man just for the purpose of bringing it to their direct attention. He simply used his voice on YouTube to get Hot Toys' attention to the matter. Sometimes you have to strong arm. Meanwhile, he also got his figure replaced. It was just a byproduct of his main objective.

I suspect when everyone starts to receive theirs, and they haven't heard of the fragile shoulders, there will be more cases.

Either that, or there will be more delays and they will fix the problem. Regardless, I am very certain there is a problem, and that it wasn't user error.

I am glad that there have been less cases due to this, as I've seen some really nice poses. Just continue to be careful!

Posted the rest of my pics in the Peter Parker thread:
Thanks very much Ryno , glad some people can see past the foul/loud mouth and the over aggressive stance to get things done , I know that hot toys knew mine was defective coz they told me so via email and if they have now redone the shoulders that's all good for those still waiting , I never wanted to discredit hot toys coz I love the work they do in general but sometimes if ya don't kick and scream ya don't get listened to . anyway bruvas thanks to those who have supported me and to others know the rest !!!!!

For sure! The squeaky wheel always gets the grease as they say! :duff
Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

why would you say no to a free figure to review :lol unless it's not free?
Okay i haven't gone through the whole thread here...(wayyyyy too much reading) but i just got a message from Sideshow wanting asking if i wanted to review this figure. Initially i was concerned, but they told me that Hot Toys re-engineered the shoulders. They opened the one they want to send to me and tested it and it didn't have any breakage. Is this something talked about before? I didn't know Hot Toys planned on re-engineering the shoulders or if they could do something like that this quick. Had you guys heard this? I'm mostly waiting to reply to them to know what your guys thoughts are on this.

Guess they are trying to counter mine and clipper's video with a more positive one.. I say do it and if the figure is in fine shape.. Say so.. If the shoulders break.. Also say so! hehe
why would you say no to a free figure to review :lol unless it's not free?

I usually say no to FREE figures because i don't like having to make my video sound all "pretty". If that makes sense. For my services i get a discount and the biggest bonus is the ability to get figures a little before general least here in the US
Guess they are trying to counter mine and clipper's video with a more positive one.. I say do it and if the figure is in fine shape.. Say so.. If the shoulders break.. Also say so! hehe

I wouldn't say it's to counter anyones videos. But to hopefully highlight a change they've made to the figure (i was specifically told it was re-engineered) and hopefully set some minds at ease. Mine was opened at Sideshow and inspected and the arms didn't break. That's all i was told.

I went ahead and told them to send it out and i'll report back when i have it tomorrow.
I wouldn't say it's to counter anyones videos. But to hopefully highlight a change they've made to the figure (i was specifically told it was re-engineered) and hopefully set some minds at ease. Mine was opened at Sideshow and inspected and the arms didn't break. That's all i was told.

I went ahead and told them to send it out and i'll report back when i have it tomorrow.

Seems way too fast to be re-engineered.. It was just released last month, lol. I mean they would have had to send it all the way back to HK, have them unsuit each figure, modify it, then ship all the way back to US. Just a bit odd I guess. I sure hope it's fine!! Would be a great sign. Look forward to your review.
I wouldn't say it's to counter anyones videos. But to hopefully highlight a change they've made to the figure (i was specifically told it was re-engineered) and hopefully set some minds at ease. Mine was opened at Sideshow and inspected and the arms didn't break. That's all i was told.

I went ahead and told them to send it out and i'll report back when i have it tomorrow.

I would like to know if they added additional instructions on moving the shoulders front to back

I look forward to the review
Congrats on getting your replacement. Hopefully lesson learned on their end. :hi5:

As for Optibotimus.... Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as well!
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I'm just really curious what HT's definition of " Re-engineered Shoulder " means is it a completely new shoulder system or did they just tweak the existing shoulder joints, maybe just loosened the screws a little.

What sucks is the suit is not removable and skin tight :slap

So it would be hard to figure out what they did unless they include a new picture or new instructions saying what's different then before. :dunno

Otherwise, somebody will have have to cut into the suit to expose the joint to see what HTs did. :lecture
Well this proves that they actually acknowledge there is / was an issue. So whoever was saying it was user error, still think so?