Hot Toys - The Dark Knight - 1/6th BATMAN (New Costume)

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I can't wait to get this figure.



same here sean.
it looks superb.
love this new suit. I am actually thinking of buying the batmobile and the bat pod too.
I can't wait to get hold of this figure!

I love the new batsuit! This looks perfect!

I find that the shoulder pads are a tad too big. I wish it would be smaller.
These are the older shots, it has been said that the mouth opening on the cowl and the shoulder pad size will be refined for production pieces.
That's great, cause the big shoulder pads are really putting me off from buying this piece. Since they will be changed, I look forward to seeing pics of the improved sculpt.
That's great, cause the big shoulder pads are really putting me off from buying this piece. Since they will be changed, I look forward to seeing pics of the improved sculpt.

when are pictures going to come online from the FINISHED product? I thought these figures would be shipped by now? or within a few days, so there should be already pictures of the final product?
when are pictures going to come online from the FINISHED product? I thought these figures would be shipped by now? or within a few days, so there should be already pictures of the final product?

No, this one's due like end of this month, sometime in September, only Begins suite and Joker right now.
Check this out! Most recent prototype at HK comic show. I have to say, Hot Toys is now my absolute favorite 12" company. They have been listening to fans and browsing comments at forums and taking notes. Look at the results!


It worries me that changes keep happening, I hope this is a production sample and not a prototype, I just can't see him shipping in a month or 2 if they're still making changes to a prototype.

wow that is just beautiful, cant wait to get it and display it. wish i could get the batpod too but it will still be sweet by himself
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It worries me that changes keep happening, I hope this is a production sample and not a prototype, I just can't see him shipping in a month or 2 if they're still making changes to a prototype.

I, on the other hand, wish they take their time. Don't mind delay a few months if they can really improve the figure and make things spot on. Save me a lot of money considering getting another version. Better get this one right the first time, than having another ver.2 a year later that looks much better what you already paid for.

And knowing Howard's attitude from Hot Toys (from live radio interviews), he wouldn't admit defeated by Medicom that easily, especially on such a popular Dark Knight property.
I, on the other hand, wish they take their time. Don't mind delay a few months if they can really improve the figure and make things spot on. Save me a lot of money considering getting another version. Better get this one right the first time, than having another ver.2 a year later that looks much better what you already paid for.

And knowing Howard's attitude from Hot Toys (from live radio interviews), he wouldn't admit defeated by Medicom that easily, especially on such a popular Dark Knight property.

im with mpchi, if the delay means we'll get an awesome figure, i really dont mind the wait........its looking killer as it is though
I don't see a difference. Maybe the lighting?

Better neck, smaller shoulder pads, better torso shape (less of a wide V), brand new belt, darker grey parts, better fit on pants.

The head does look like the first one, cause it has a nicer expression I bet. Their second head was more accurate on the mouth opening, but they messed up the face expression and gave it a very long nose. So guess HT agreed with the comments and thought the original head still better, but quite likely they will still tweak the mouth opening area.

This is what it looked like previously.

Hopefully they'll fix the mouth area back to the more authentic look.

I hope so, but pretty sure they will. As its obvious they are aware of that. I just hope they can retail the 'good looking' aspect of this 1st version head, while only tweaking the mouth area. Not like their second head sculpt attempt that they re-did the whole head completely, but end up losing some nice touch on the expression and face proportion they had. Unless they can completely nailed the likeness and shape on the 3rd head sculpt attempt. Like what Medicom managed to achieve on their prototype.
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