Media Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain & Ground Zeroes

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Anyone remember the mgs 2 demo packed with Z.O.E, that could be cleared in minutes but I played it over & over for weeks, the 2 hours for ground zeroes will probably translate to week upon week of play time. I'm not gonna moan about it as it'll could have a better replay value than a hell of a lot of full priced games.
If you could just borrow it, then why not? You just gave me the idea, thanks! :lol

I just noticed that FFX/X-2 HD comes out (gulp) the same day as GZ (March 18). Guess who's got my money? :lol

From what I've heard, the 6 hour soundtrack has every single track in the game, that alone is more to warrant a premium price.

I will most definitely just play it round at friends and then buy the complete package when it's offered. MGS doesn't really give me what i want so why should i give kojibro that? :rotfl

In all seriousness though, I hope lots of people don't buy it just on the premise your paying $30 for a gloried demo, no matter how many times Koji wants you to believe it's more than that and tries feeding you crap about there's lot's off different ways to go about this.

At the end of the day it's a $30 demo and more fool us for actually buying it just because we can't be bothered to wait. You can bet your bottom dollar from then on that's how all future MGS titles will be released
Anyone remember the mgs 2 demo packed with Z.O.E, that could be cleared in minutes but I played it over & over for weeks, the 2 hours for ground zeroes will probably translate to week upon week of play time. I'm not gonna moan about it as it'll could have a better replay value than a hell of a lot of full priced games.

You're right, the only problem is that Kojima refuses to call this a "demo", instead using deceiving terms such as "sneaking simulator" or "a taste of Phantom Pain". I think people would have been cool if his was announced as a 2 hour demo from the day it was announced. Now don't get me wrong, I'm confident the gameplay will be absolutely sublime and the replay value will keep me hooked, but people got furious when Konami dropped the bomb just a month away from release, so much so that Kojima himself had to do damage control.

I will most definitely just play it round at friends and then buy the complete package when it's offered. MGS doesn't really give me what i want so why should i give kojibro that? :rotfl

In all seriousness though, I hope lots of people don't buy it just on the premise your paying $30 for a gloried demo, no matter how many times Koji wants you to believe it's more than that and tries feeding you crap about there's lot's off different ways to go about this.

At the end of the day it's a $30 demo and more fool us for actually buying it just because we can't be bothered to wait. You can bet your bottom dollar from then on that's how all future MGS titles will be released

That's a disturbing trend and you're right. I'd love to pay for the game but a demo is still a demo. Konami doesn't need to be another EA or Capcom.

I'm kinda sad that a lot of my friends are jumping ship with MGS, it's not just here.
Yup my comments have nothing to do with the gameplay, story, character choice or any of that.

Just plain and simple really. IT IS a gloried demo, the likes of which we have never had to and never should have to pay for. Especially not $30 and i don't care if your the biggest fan of MGS you must to agree. Can people really not wait after being shown something? it really isn't that hard if you don't agree with the way they are handling this and will most likely start the trend of handling all big franchise demos.

Now if you fine with paying for something you never had to or should have to pay for, then that's your prerogative but please don't be one of the ones that complains in a couple of years time when companies start realizing they can fleece you for demos due to this situation right here. You were part of the problem!
Awaiting on my cancellation acknowledgement then it's getting tweeted directly at that loon Koji.
Even at a discounted amount of £25, it's too much for a demo.
Rant time!
I've spent tens of thousands of pounds on metal gear solid art, merch etc and I wouldn't have been so disgusted if they ran a bloody kickstarter for funding the fox engine where the people who chipped in got this demo and some exclusive stuff. I would have been in for a large share even.

First play arts now this. It's just a cash cow now.
But this is taking the piss. Had enough. No more hoops.

Apologies for the multiple posts, got my goat.
You know what? I actually had a slight joyous moment when somebody said "maybe koji has hidden the full game in Ground Zeroes".
Then I remembered his face.
Thats the spirit :lol

Yea I bought a lot of crappy games as well. In all honestly after a month this game will be about 20 dollars for next gen copies all over amazon.

:exactly: I don't need to rush and buy at launch like I always do :lol not this time

I'm fine with a 2 hour game, just look at Gone Home, that was a $20 dollar game (at launch) with you basically running around in a point-and-click adventure for a pitiful 2 hours. Somehow that turned out to be one of the most memorable experiences I've ever had in a game. And strangely enough, there were plenty of sites now comparing Ground Zeroes to Gone Home (wha?).

But unlike MGSV, Gone Home wasn't overhyped and it ended up as a sleeper hit and it was also an indie game with a development team without much resources to spare. Kojima is a 30 year old industry veteran with all the money in the world and he shouldn't be justifying his game by what is essentially unnecessary padding.

Make no mistake, the FOX engine and the development costs of MGSV is without a doubt, astronomical. It just seems like at the end of the day, they'll do whatever it takes to recoup that cost, and like the recently announced Hot Toys Whiplash Mark II figure that has a price tag of $400, they're just experimenting it on consumers to see just how much is too much.

I won't say Gone Home is bad, but I feel its a little overrated. I played it and it was intresting.. but not good enough to deserve a 9/10 or something like that. ANYWAY. :lol

I totally agree there, Kojima himself said they thought about GZ after talking with the marketing team or something. I'll get this game, but right now I don't know when... I should wait for the price drop.

Konami should reward the loyalty of their consumers, especially MGS fans. God knows how much I've spent over the series since 1998, and the same could be said about all of you folks. This should have been 10 bucks max, even though that's not feasible from a revenue standpoint, and that the FOX engine HAS to make money, Konami IS aware that they'll make profit in time.

FFX/X-2 HD comes out about the same time, and I'll gladly pay for the Collectors Edition that includes an artbook and a 6 hour blu ray soundtrack, which happens to be some of the most beautiful soundtracks I've ever heard in my life.

For some reason, I foresee GZ becoming free as TPP draws closer to release. In the meantime, I still have MGS2, 4 and PW to platinum. :lol

GZ will be a free DLC when TPP launches :lecture