MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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This thread is getting to me...all these hardship stories along with talk of a toy(an expensive one)....stay strong guys and very Best Wishes that the Holiday will bring better times and a new outlook on life....
Heh, we're sounding like Figure Collectors' Anonymous in here! 'cept we're not really anonymous.

Anyway I'm in a pretty rotten situation as far as this hobby goes. I'm disabled. Was able to keep my own place for a long time but as my health issues have multiplied I've had to move back home.

Most of my friends are dorks/nerds too so they know how much this stuff costs and constantly look at me sideways. I know they're thinking that it's irresponsible to be spending money on this stuff when I've got a mountain of bills. But I do nearly everything on flexpay, and I'm meeting my expenses every month and still giving my folks some cash too, although they don't ask for it.

So every time I get a new figure I get a mixture of excitement and shame. No one SAYS anything, and I've probably developed something of a persecution complex (depression and anxiety are just symptomatic of my other health issues) but I think I deal with it okay. It's good to have a place like this to talk figures.

I know the feeling...I still get this weird feeling every time I get a new figure, even though I know its okay with my wife. I think it may have to do with us buying a new house in the next year and me spending money on figures but its separate money. I say as long as its in your budget and it makes you happy, go for it.

I try to be reasonable with my purchases and honestly I only buy a couple things a year now. This bad boy had to be one of them and of course the master chief premium format ( I am a huge halo fan ). With that said HALO 4 rocks online! :)
Yeah I had to decide between the Monger and Samurai Predator. I'm still hoping they will be available for a reasonable price next year. I see that they are in stock in lots of places.

Also had to pass on the Gantry plus Mark IV in order to fit Iron Monger into the budget. I started off with JUST (yeah right) Iron Man figures. Then it became just ONE Predator. Then the Batman Begins ToyFair exclusive....yeah it's a snowball. I'm sorely tempted by the 3A stuff but the incredibly frustrating nature of their releases has kept me from getting into them. I've got an "Action Portable Fightin' JC" ordered but I think that's gonna be it.
Yeah I had to decide between the Monger and Samurai Predator. I'm still hoping they will be available for a reasonable price next year. I see that they are in stock in lots of places.

Also had to pass on the Gantry plus Mark IV in order to fit Iron Monger into the budget. I started off with JUST (yeah right) Iron Man figures. Then it became just ONE Predator. Then the Batman Begins ToyFair exclusive....yeah it's a snowball. I'm sorely tempted by the 3A stuff but the incredibly frustrating nature of their releases has kept me from getting into them. I've got an "Action Portable Fightin' JC" ordered but I think that's gonna be it.

If you want my opinion I'd go for Iron Monger on EBay right now, there are enough on there now that you can save a hundred or even more off the retail price, and getting it now there’s less chance of some bootleg crap later.

As for the Samurai Predator I've seen pictures of him standing alongside of the other Predators and he looks cool, but he doesn't look like he fits in with them.

I think the Gantry would be a nice piece to have, but not something that I would have to have considering what little you see of it in both movies. also helps that my wife likes them just as much as I do. I feel bad for the guys who catch hell for buying figures.

It's one of the reasons I have found it hard to make friends, most 40 something year olds aren't into collecting action figures, movies, or comic books. They're into sports, racing, cars, hunting, fishing, drinking, drugs, cheating on their wives, camping, anything and everything except what I'm into. If you try to bring it up you get looked at like you're retarded or gay (not putting down gay people) and they kind of make you the butt of jokes "behind your back" or just don't fool with you. It makes it a lonely situation.

It's one of the things that let to what happen to me two years ago at my work. I've made up my mind to never mention it to anyone ever again, if or when I finally get back to work.
It's one of the reasons I have found it hard to make friends, most 40 something year olds aren't into collecting action figures, movies, or comic books. They're into sports, racing, cars, hunting, fishing, drinking, drugs, cheating on their wives, camping, anything and everything except what I'm into. If you try to bring it up you get looked at like you're retarded or gay (not putting down gay people) and they kind of make you the butt of jokes "behind your back" or just don't fool with you. It makes it a lonely situation.

It's one of the things that let to what happen to me two years ago at my work. I've made up my mind to never mention it to anyone ever again, if or when I finally get back to work.

:lecture Looks like I have a lot to look forward to when I'm in my 40's. :yess:
It's one of the reasons I have found it hard to make friends, most 40 something year olds aren't into collecting action figures, movies, or comic books. They're into sports, racing, cars, hunting, fishing, drinking, drugs, cheating on their wives, camping, anything and everything except what I'm into. If you try to bring it up you get looked at like you're retarded or gay (not putting down gay people) and they kind of make you the butt of jokes "behind your back" or just don't fool with you. It makes it a lonely situation.

It's one of the things that let to what happen to me two years ago at my work. I've made up my mind to never mention it to anyone ever again, if or when I finally get back to work.
Hey I'm 48, so the Monger IS my best friend and lover.
Oh I've got mah Iron Monger. You better buh-leeeeve I've got my Iron Monger! I even posted some photos several pages back! My bad syntax obscured my meaning. I meant that I hope the Samurai Predator is available without much of a vig later on.

And to add a bit to the discussion of our hobby in general, I've found that keeping a sense of humour about it all helps. Ya just can't take it all so seriously. Put the figures in goofy-ass poses! Have FUN with 'em! Treat the things carefully, but don't go spastic when an un-informed friend or relative asks about your "big toys."

I'm not accusing anyone of doing so, I'm just saying that I've realized that my own self-depricating personality makes things easier.

If you want my opinion I'd go for Iron Monger on EBay right now, there are enough on there now that you can save a hundred or even more off the retail price, and getting it now there’s less chance of some bootleg crap later.
This thing is beautiful - any chance anyone has to sell their's for some reason :panic:? Would love to buy one from a freak.
:lecture Looks like I have a lot to look forward to when I'm in my 40's. :yess:

I'm almost 43 and I don't give a damn what others think of my hobby! My wife doesn't exactly support my habit but she respects it as well. She also like the Avengers, so that's a plus in my favor to keep going! :yess:
What are these "friends" that you speak of?

I think my Wife realizes that I may be a dork, but at least I'm sitting at home at my desk, painting a white star on my Captain America motorcycle - and NOT cheating on her.
:lecture Looks like I have a lot to look forward to when I'm in my 40's. :yess:

You must be a young whippersnapper then......I feel like I'm 20 most of the time..have guilt over this hobby but you have to enjoy life the best you can, so if these things make you happy GO for it!:hi5:
I'm almost 43 and I don't give a damn what others think of my hobby! My wife doesn't exactly support my habit but she respects it as well. She also like the Avengers, so that's a plus in my favor to keep going! :yess:

I'm 37 and my girlfriend is basically the same as your wife, she doesn't love it but she respects it. Her only complaint is the quantity of figures I have. My family knows me and is not surprised. What really interests both girlfriend and family is my custom work. They love it.