MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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What are these "friends" that you speak of?

I think my Wife realizes that I may be a dork, but at least I'm sitting at home at my desk, painting a white star on my Captain America motorcycle - and NOT cheating on her.

Very good point. You should tell her this. :)
Very good point. You should tell her this. :)

I believe he just did. Besides in California women cheat more than men do.

I have no idea what hot toys made my Iron monger out of. But my cat keeps ripping the paper and trying to get into the box. My gf wrap it up 4 times. She has done a number on the big shipping box.

Yes it's the Iron Monger she wants not the paper or boxes. I show it to her and we'll she wants to mate with it. I have this odd feeling that I am going to find a bag of China green happy tea in the box.
I believe he just did. Besides in California women cheat more than men do.

I have no idea what hot toys made my Iron monger out of. But my cat keeps ripping the paper and trying to get into the box. My gf wrap it up 4 times. She has done a number on the big shipping box.

Yes it's the Iron Monger she wants not the paper or boxes. I show it to her and we'll she wants to mate with it. I have this odd feeling that I am going to find a bag of China green happy tea in the box.

4 times!

That cat clearly wears the pants in your house! :rotfl
I'm 37 and my girlfriend is basically the same as your wife, she doesn't love it but she respects it. Her only complaint is the quantity of figures I have. My family knows me and is not surprised. What really interests both girlfriend and family is my custom work. They love it.

I'm almost 43 and I don't give a damn what others think of my hobby! My wife doesn't exactly support my habit but she respects it as well. She also like the Avengers, so that's a plus in my favor to keep going! :yess:

Good to see us older guys (I'm 40) collecting what we love with our wives respecting our hobby. My wife actually has certain "Favorites" which she has told me never to get rid of!!! She' gets a kick out of it sometimes.
My Wife just wants them displayed nicely and not all cluttered in my office. Working on a nice, big shelf for the corner in my office where most or all of them will be displayed. I think she really likes the figures ( some more than others ) but just wants them displayed neatly.

I couldn't have afforded these when I was in my 20's. Well not these AND all of the beer that I wanted to drink back then.

Priorities, I guess. ;)
I'm 37 and my girlfriend is basically the same as your wife, she doesn't love it but she respects it. Her only complaint is the quantity of figures I have. My family knows me and is not surprised. What really interests both girlfriend and family is my custom work. They love it.

My family is the same way. Prior to HT, I was collecting McFarlane Halo toys and I have literally hundreds of those! Luckily my wife plays Halo and tolerated it. The jump to higher end items was a shock, but then again, I've been saving up all summer long too.
My Wife just wants them displayed nicely and not all cluttered in my office. Working on a nice, big shelf for the corner in my office where most or all of them will be displayed. I think she really likes the figures ( some more than others ) but just wants them displayed neatly. On this site I am sure there is about 75% of the people on here in the same boat. Roll...

I couldn't have afforded these when I was in my 20's. Well not these AND all of the beer that I wanted to drink back then.

Priorities, I guess. ;)

That is the thing about being older. We have more money to spend on our toys. They are the same just cost more. I have a person come in twice a year and dust all my stuff. This way it's done in a weekend. If not I will look at each item and go. Oh. I remember buying this, and when, and how much, and there going a hour just one one item.

My ex-wife is my ex-wife for a good reason. As far as people go. Don't care about them very much. Most people just hate me anyway. They think I am Gay or on Welfare (no to bought). Then they hate me even more, I am used to it. The people I do talk too all have the same likes as I do. So all is good.

Most of the time people talk crap about people being they are not happy with their life. I'm happy and I don't talk behind anyone back. I tell them to their face, in front of loves one, or just plan make it known I don't like them.

We all have somekind of problems in our lives. It's how we deal with it. If I want to buy a $540 Hot Toy item. I buy it, if they don't like it. I will buy something they want and trash it. Bought ways I get joy out of it.
Good to see us older guys (I'm 40) collecting what we love with our wives respecting our hobby. My wife actually has certain "Favorites" which she has told me never to get rid of!!! She' gets a kick out of it sometimes.

I'm over 40, closer to 50. My GF also collects the same things I do. All is good. I fine it better to be with someone who likes close to what you like. Not everything but close. When you buy something it comes she goes. Oh. When she buys something and it comes. I go, Oh.
Oh I've got mah Iron Monger. You better buh-leeeeve I've got my Iron Monger! I even posted some photos several pages back! My bad syntax obscured my meaning. I meant that I hope the Samurai Predator is available without much of a vig later on.

And to add a bit to the discussion of our hobby in general, I've found that keeping a sense of humour about it all helps. Ya just can't take it all so seriously. Put the figures in goofy-ass poses! Have FUN with 'em! Treat the things carefully, but don't go spastic when an un-informed friend or relative asks about your "big toys."

I'm not accusing anyone of doing so, I'm just saying that I've realized that my own self-depricating personality makes things easier.

This is the 1st year I have been having fun with a 1/6 toy. My GF 1st and 2nd SSC item was Yoda, and Santa Yoda. I took over Santa Yoda and turn him into Santa Sith Yoda. This year TA has been shipping me a box every two weeks or so.

He has a Bow, Arrows, Axe, Guns, many many more items and...Wait for it. Wait for it. A Jack Bag (from 24, you know where he keeps all his cool weapons). that should be here today.

I have to say I have been having fun this last 5 years. It not going to stop. I just need a grave to hold me and all my stuff in. I am taking it with me. They can have the house, cars, money. I want my toys.
This thing poses like a dream

Just a few twists and turns of the arms and boom!!! Done!



My Monger along with a Iron Man Mark III I picked up will be here Monday. I told myself years ago I would only stick to Batman and DC stuff from Hot Toys. Yeah right!
My Monger along with a Iron Man Mark III I picked up will be here Monday. I told myself years ago I would only stick to Batman and DC stuff from Hot Toys. Yeah right!

yes we are addicts, one and all..............:panic:
My Monger along with a Iron Man Mark III I picked up will be here Monday. I told myself years ago I would only stick to Batman and DC stuff from Hot Toys. Yeah right!

Just Star Wars, but I like the Ironman line so I went with them. I did pickup items here and there but that change also very fast.
Just having some fun. Got this guy last Tuesday...been having a blast ever since. Monger totally makes up for the defective DX12. least it makes the wait for my replacement that much easier. Let's be honest, even if TDK was here...he'd be in the Hero detolf. Monger has my undivided attention.


