MMS164 - Iron Man: Iron Monger Limited Edition Collectible Figure

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man its getting hard to wait any longer, but i really need to save up instead of charging it, plus local comic con (steelcity con) is about a month away, maybe he'll be there cheaper? iono

Doubtful. If anyone is selling one at a Con its going to be at a mark up because those shows thrive on impulse buys. I regularly attend the Emerald City Comic Con up here in Seattle, and theres one booth that always has Hot Toys. Last year he had an Iron Man Mark V, when it still wasn't sold out everywhere, for $400.
What a marvellous job Hot Toys made of this. It truly is a legendary piece! My god the detail, it's so mouth watering!





some very cool shots vodun; does he come with the crushed ironman helmet or where did you get that? i keep seeing it in the majority of pictures of monger
I shipped my defective monger back last week to the seller in HK, if all the mongers are sold out by hot toys am I SOL for a possible replacement??
I think the reason I want this piece so bad and why I may be willing to shell out $460 for it is that not only is it such a well done model of the character, but even displaying it on its own completely removed from anything Iron Man related, it's such a cool looking classic mech/robot. It gives me that extra option of putting it somewhere else if I just want to have my Iron Man pieces alone strutting their stuff for a while.

Having a hard time deciding on this one though. I just don't know if I'd be better served rolling this money into the Hulk maquette for shear bang for my buck in terms of size and overall presence in the man cave.
This figure is a beast. Looks really detailed. Lets see if HT continues to make the villains from IM movies. Now we need V2 of whiplash.
I think the reason I want this piece so bad and why I may be willing to shell out $460 for it is that not only is it such a well done model of the character, but even displaying it on its own completely removed from anything Iron Man related, it's such a cool looking classic mech/robot. It gives me that extra option of putting it somewhere else if I just want to have my Iron Man pieces alone strutting their stuff for a while.

Indeed. Very much so.

Very nice pics :) Really need to pick this guy up too.

Mind sharing what your lightbox set up looks like?
Where the heck are y'all getting the crushed IM helmets? Is it possible to modify a helmet from an IM figure

It was from SSC for the Mark 3 Battle Damage suit. I heard there was a cheap one on eBay but it was just terrible. I would just get a helmet and smash it but a helmet itself cost a good $100. :monkey1
It was from SSC for the Mark 3 Battle Damage suit. I heard there was a cheap one on eBay but it was just terrible. I would just get a helmet and smash it but a helmet itself cost a good $100. :monkey1

I don't think it would smash so much as shatter anyways. Maybe that new 12" metal figure that PI is making, but $400 just to smash a helmet seems excessive lol.
So question for all you collectors that have been around for a long time. I'm sure this has been asked a bunch before, but what is the long term, say 4+ years, probability that this figure will hold its value for resale? I don't collect for investment certainly, but the goal with starting this hobby is being able to enjoy the figures for a few years or more and then getting my money back out of them when I am ready to focus on something else.
Hello everyone. I am new to the forums.

I just got my Iron Monger today, and it is so awesome that it inspired me to join this site.
I have been collecting for about 20 years, and collect everything from retail figures to mauquettes and statues, and of course 1/6 and 1/4 scale high end figures.

I am not new to collecting Hot Toys, but the Iron Monger is just a whole new level of an incredible figure from Hot Toys. They knocked this one out of the park, and then some.

If anyone is still on the fence on getting this figure, I can only say IMHO you should get this figure without question. Even if you are not an Iron Man fan, it doesnt matter. You will love this figure.
I know I may be stating the obvious to most of you here, but for those who arent sure about this one, you really shouldnt let this one pass by.
Its price is high, but you will completely forget that once you have it in hand.
Hello everyone. I am new to the forums.

I just got my Iron Monger today, and it is so awesome that it inspired me to join this site.
I have been collecting for about 20 years, and collect everything from retail figures to mauquettes and statues, and of course 1/6 and 1/4 scale high end figures.

I am not new to collecting Hot Toys, but the Iron Monger is just a whole new level of an incredible figure from Hot Toys. They knocked this one out of the park, and then some.

If anyone is still on the fence on getting this figure, I can only say IMHO you should get this figure without question. Even if you are not an Iron Man fan, it doesnt matter. You will love this figure.
I know I may be stating the obvious to most of you here, but for those who arent sure about this one, you really shouldnt let this one pass by.
Its price is high, but you will completely forget that once you have it in hand.

Yes it is a beautiful figure. It's a tough figure to grab when you're so caught up on other figures though. :gah:
So question for all you collectors that have been around for a long time. I'm sure this has been asked a bunch before, but what is the long term, say 4+ years, probability that this figure will hold its value for resale? I don't collect for investment certainly, but the goal with starting this hobby is being able to enjoy the figures for a few years or more and then getting my money back out of them when I am ready to focus on something else.

Hot Toys will without question hold or go up in value. At least that has been my experience. The only thing that would affect the Iron Mongers value after 4 years would be if Hot Toys releases a second version/edition. Hot Toys has done this in the past, but the affect on the originals value has never made it less then what it was when it was new. Again this has been my experience, and of course the condition and care of the piece always matters.

Hope this helps.