Ok, I have to admit if you have a degree that is pretty impressive and I should respect your authority on the matter... it does intrigue me to pry further...
Don't you think that the only real problem with HT muscle bodies is the rubber is too thick and too stiff? a thinner softer rubber would pose easier? just seems like today's new bodies are not articulate at all and the seams suck and the chick's bodies are already getting there...
So, how about $50? $50 bucks through paypal to you if by 18 months from now we don't see a new type of muscle body by HT? if you we do you send me $50? I don't mean on the market... just like sparrow or smiley bruce is now, just a proto

You're prepared to put your money where your mouth is? Now it's
my turn to be impressed. If I were a betting man I'd take you up on it
Materials like rubber, silicon and plastic compounds can be really tricky to get right in manufacturing. There are so many problems that need a solution in 1/6 figures; a material that might come out well from the mold may not receive paint well. Or a material that is both durable and flexible may not reproduce sculpted detail well. Or a material that does everything else right may not faithfully accommodate the articulation of the armature underneath.
It seems to me that HT decided that the most important aspect of their figures was articulation. So even though they reached a pretty decent stage of seamless body evolution with King Leo, they evidently were not satisfied that the seamless nature of the figure adequately compensated for the loss of articulation presented by the rubber body. There could have been a range of other factors at play, this is just my best guess.
As for female figures, I can't think of any seamless female figure that has adequately addressed the posability/durability issues. TokyoDoll (previously Arte Tokyo) have all sorts of tearing issues and finishing paint apps are left to the user. TBL's female figure has folks complaining about the ratchety body but most of all the deformation of the elbows and knees when bending. Phicen have issues of tacky skin that is not easily dressed/undressed and attracts dust. Edaction has just released theirs and the flashing (parting lines) look poorly finished for the price point (headless figure around $130+). Here is a page that might interest you, it shows some comparisons of female bodies:
But look, I'm with you really - I hardly pose my figures, so I'd prefer seamless joints to take priority over articulation. The big exceptions are figures like Bruce Lee, that demand
maximum posability! We obviously want the same thing - awesome, seamless figures that pose well and last. We are only really quibbling about how long it will take for companies like HT to deliver. If I'm saying no way will it happen in 18 months, I can't say confidently that it won't happen in 24 months
Ive seen a custom one and honestly the fabrication is extremely poor. The cloth is kinda glazy and finishing is not too good... too bright and looks cheap and is too thick. The staining issue is universal, cheaper clothes have cheaper dies which can stain even more... EB's BEST GoD suit has to be the Nokia Edition one, it looked so much better...
oh bummer. No matter, I'm sure once the GoD is released we'll see quite a number of parted out ones (though everyone will be fighting over the shoes). From the pics it's hard to tell any discernible difference between some of the customs I've seen and the legit ones. To my eye anyway. When I get my custom in the post I think I'll know straight away whether I'll be able to live with it.