Hot Toys – MMS151 - Spider-Man 3: 1/6th scale New Goblin Official Specs and Pics

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Fantastic picture.

I'm amazed sometimes at the level of 1/6 photography.
Im surprised that the likeness of hot toys sculpt havent made national news yet. The likeness is so lifelike at time's.
I have to disagree, although Harry was built up as the villain throughout the trilogy and this was to be the big payoff it was handled in the most moronic fashion I've seen in a modern movie.

Harry was the bad guy at the beginning and then got "Amnesia", the most lazy plot device imaginable that is only reserved for crappy soap operas.

Not to mention that when he discovered his Dad was was a super-villain murderer his first thoughts weren't "hey maybe Spider-man saved a bunch of innocent people by killing my dad? maybe it was the only way?"

Then when he went bad again he ignored his long-standing friendship with an innocent MJ so he could hurt Peter through her... WTF!

Then the butler said: "oh yeah my bad, your dad killed himself, so all the hate you've had for Spidey the last year or so was futile, just FYI and everything" :cuckoo: :slap"

So he then becomes the good guy at the end and dies, it was intended to be this big epic moment of selfless heroism but ended up cliche and un-interesting in the scope of all the film-making and story problems, it treated the audience as fools.

That is my opinion on why this character is loathed by many.

Supplimentary note:

Mostly People generally don't like him because of his evil character costume, he just wasn't a goblin in any way!​

We'll he certainly died better than his dads "D!(k" stab death. The oGG had the dumbest death ever (yes, dumber than Venom's death. At least you can say Eddie was addicted to the symbiote like cocaine. we know drug addicts will do nearly anything for their bulls#!+)

You mean to tell me he was going to stab spiderman in the back with the glider, and then be stabbed also? Why did he say "Oh"? Did he forget he planned to use a glider to kill Spiderman, and needed to get out of the way :lol? Spiderman and GG would have died on each other, with a glider stuck in both of them :rotfl:slap
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Yeah, I always thought the Green Goblin had the best death in the movie. :huh

It was just like the comic and come on, lets face it, he got impaled by the blades of his glider. It might not have been in the chest, but you still get the idea. I like how he slumps down dead too, something that wouldn't have been possible if it was his upper torso (which is why I think they did it).

Better than pulling a "sun" down and drowning in a river, or getting impaled when you could have just hit the villain out of the way, or being dumb enough to jump in the way of a bomb and just getting incinerated without a bad ass moment or speech.
Yeah, I always thought the Green Goblin had the best death in the movie. :huh

It was just like the comic and come on, lets face it, he got impaled by the blades of his glider. It might not have been in the chest, but you still get the idea. I like how he slumps down dead too, something that wouldn't have been possible if it was his upper torso (which is why I think they did it).

Better than pulling a "sun" down and drowning in a river, or getting impaled when you could have just hit the villain out of the way, or being dumb enough to jump in the way of a bomb and just getting incinerated without a bad ass moment or speech.

Blah, Jokers 89 death beats all.
Looking foward to OMG's pics... to tide me over while I wait to have it in-hand for myself..... :)

The pictures have been great so far though
This fig looks utterly remarkable.

Don't hold Spidey 3 against Raimi . . . the film is a classic example (read: WARNING!) of the dreaded "Studio Notes."


(Not to white knight HT too much -- but can anyone do belts, buckles, harnesses & rigging as well in this scale?) me not think so!

this looks awesome and now i want to add it to the collection. i love abc express but i hate how they jack up their prices by about $30 as soon as in hand pics show up. every time! they don't even have it in stock yet. as a recognized retailer, they shouldn't dabble in that kind of crap.
This fig looks utterly remarkable.

Don't hold Spidey 3 against Raimi . . . the film is a classic example (read: WARNING!) of the dreaded "Studio Notes."


(Not to white knight HT too much -- but can anyone do belts, buckles, harnesses & rigging as well in this scale?) me not think so!


Just broke down and ordered one yesterday, it was the pic of the detail on the back that did it. It really is impressive.
I think this will be a sleeper, once sold out people will be crying they want it cause they sat on the fence.
I think you're likely right, sifu.

I'd also bet that fewer of this fig will be produced (being a bad guy) than Spidey, and it will become scarcer much sooner.
