Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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I just opened mine. I love it. Unfortunately his right hand was broken. The piece that holds the hands on pulled off with the fist.

Also what's the deal with the flaps on the wrists? The ones that sit across the back of his hand. Mine are very loose and flop down if I pose him palms up. Is that normal?

That is really unfortunate, hope u can get a replacement soon.
The flaps on the wrists for mine are really tight and they are different from the Mark IV/ Mark VI and can't be turned around all the way...
Hope this helps, :wave
That is really unfortunate, hope u can get a replacement soon.
The flaps on the wrists for mine are really tight and they are different from the Mark IV/ Mark VI and can't be turned around all the way...
Hope this helps, :wave

Thanks. Here's what happens when you pose mine palms up.

I just opened mine. I love it. Unfortunately his right hand was broken. The piece that holds the hands on pulled off with the fist.

Also what's the deal with the flaps on the wrists? The ones that sit across the back of his hand. Mine are very loose and flop down if I pose him palms up. Is that normal?

Same here the black hand peg bit comes off with the hand exposing the bulb, only on the BD Arm though, i'm gonna ring SSC for a replacement

Pics incoming
My first impression upon opening it was disappointment unfortunately, the matte grey really stuck out poorly.

Overall the figures is good, not the best, but very good, the neck has an annoying opening at the back which the light shines through and the discs on the side of the thigh push up through the underwear when spreading the legs a bit.

I'm giving it a 8/10 would have been a 10 if they had chromed the grey armour










The armor wasn't "chromed" in the film so no reason to do it for the figure. Might as well ask them to paint it purple. :cuckoo:




HT nailed it :rock
The movie's armor has a polished metal appearance, but the photos of the HT figure seem to show a flat grey paint color.
Somethings wrong here, i'm not getting that sense of awe from this figure. Of the last two figures i got, Spider-Man and Bly, i can still look at them and think Wow! They're brilliant!

But i'm looking at this guy on my shelf and i'm not getting that feeling, like something is just not right, i think it's the matte grey :(
It looks better in my lighted cabinet, i dunno if its the grey paint or the smaller size to other armours, but something isn't clicking for me, i'm gonna pose them all together tommorrow, it may be it being alone it looks odd :dunno

This is the first time in a long time that i wasn't completely satisfied from a figure.
I had myself convinced that I didn't need the Whiplash fig until I caved and ordered the Mark V. Then I caved again and got a MIB Whiplash from a seller on for a good price. I will feel like a sucker until both are in my hands.

That's odd. It looks good to me. I want to pose mine with Whiplash.

Nice! I actually opted to go with the BD look initially, just couldn't let that beautiful, half destroyed arm stay in the box :D

Its a nice look thats for sure. They make for two totally different setups obviously that for me it makes sense to get two.
I had myself convinced that I didn't need the Whiplash fig until I caved and ordered the Mark V. Then I caved again and got a MIB Whiplash from a seller on for a good price. I will feel like a sucker until both are in my hands.

Dont forget to bleach those brown pants when he arrives.
The metal isn't chrome, but Im thinking about doing a black wash into the gaps between the plates to give a little contrast to the grey. I think the stock paint makes it look flat. I'll see when he finally arrives but I have kicking that idea around since the in hand pics started showing up.
The armor wasn't "chromed" in the film so no reason to do it for the figure. Might as well ask them to paint it purple. :cuckoo:




HT nailed it :rock