Hot Toys MMS 145 - Iron Man 2 - Mark V 1/6 limited edition collectible specs + pics

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I'm not sure if one of the legs on mine is defective. For people who already have theirs, do the hip rockets (the circle) line up the same for both legs?

I can't rotate one of the legs as much as the other because the circular piece is in the front more than the center.

the circle bits rotate about on a ball joint and there is a swivel in the thigh part, it may just take some pressure to get that first crack movement, my right leg was really stiff, it's still tighter than the left but it does swivel
Well the more time i've spent with the figure, the more i'm liking it, the grey is dull but in the right lighting there is some shine.

I think my lack of excitement and Wow factor was simply that it's another Iron Man figure, you get to know the basic shape and structure so it's not as new and exciting as getting Magneto and Green Lantern will be.

I'm definitely gonna keep it, but i have some problems with mine that i don't know if i should get a whole new figure or parts from SSC...

  • Like "Meat Goat" the rubber wrist peg and outer backhand cover thing comes off exposing the bulb on the BD arm.
  • The backhand cover on the standard left arm is very loose, it swings freely
  • There is a tiny spot on one of the thigh silver part with red paint, not very noticable but is once you know its there.
  • The Iron-Speedos were lodged around his lower back and have become bulged around the right hand side of the waist.

Full new figure or new arms? Thoughts?

The backhand cover on the standard left arm of mine is so loose that it pops off if you try to bend it up. Otherwise great figure.
Attached photos. It's the left leg that has the problem. I already emailed CSC.. has anyone dealt with them returning a figure?



I rotated these photos twice in photobucket and it still won't load them upright.

There is a swivel hinge in the thigh, just hold the circle bit and turn the thigh to the left.
Stupid me. I was afraid I was going to break it. Thanks.

i get what you mean, i only tried twisting the right cos the left moved a bit when posing and i realised there was a joint there :wink1:

Just hold everything tight and have the figure resting on your leg or something, after the first twist and crack sound it'll move more smoothly

Good luck


I'd would've been great if the suitcase accessory was more weighty, as it is it feels plasticky, but with more weight it'd feel more authentic.
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I jsut got my Mark V. Overall is good.

I found my mark v's right arm, upper part, at the back, it is more dark color, not gloss red like other parts. I wonder if mine only got this issue.

I much prefer if the lines on the face be more fine.
Unboxin mine as we speak!!! Supes should be here by Wednesday and batman by Friday...great week I'd say!!
With toys, lighter stuff actually feels more quality to me since I associate polystyrene model kits with quality and those are generally really light weight. I tend to associated that heavy softer plastic feel with cheap toys, like the sort of stuff you can pick up at a dollar store.

Lighter weight toys are also much easier to balance in poses and put less strain on complex joints like the double knee or compound ankles found on a lot of modern figures 1/6 and otherwise. Give me the very light weight polystyrene Robot Damashii Evangelion 01 over the very heavy die-cast SOC Evangelion 01 any day.
Gonna make my final decision tonight, but I'm thinking of returning mine.
Do you guys know is Sideshow has the same return policy with Hot Toys as they do with their own products?

I don't hate it, but the non-red metal is simply the wrong color and doesn't really reflect the images on the website. I don't want to pay more to have someone do some repaints.
Cancelled then un-cancelled. Was at first slightly disappointed with it then I realized I'd probably regret not having it down the road.

I was gonna return mine, but as time has gone by i'm liking it more and more, as a standalone arnour it doesn't looks as good as it should, but amongst the others it does really stand out and is deserved of a place amongst an Iron Man collection.

I've got him posed with War Macjine and the MK VI and it looks great.
I'm going to sell mine. The flat grey paint job is killing this figure, it just doesn't quite look like the mark v with that paint job. There are other things i don't like about it either.

I hope they don't make the same mistake on mark II unleashed.