1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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Do I think the gloves could be better? Definitely. Am I still getting this sweet figure? You bet your @$$ I am! :yess: :woo
The Hot Toys mask and helmet look better than the SSC, I don't think I can talk myself out of that. But I think I prefer the body suit, gloves, and chest box on my shortened SS ANH Vader. I also made a custom cape and tunic that that doesn't have that gawd-awful stitching.

If I don't breakdown and order this, I'll have to at least get a head off of ebay.
The HT helmet is looking great now - the "fox" look seems to have been tweaked out - which is what I was really hoping for.:yess: Jumpsuit and capes aren't looking great, but it's a very high-contrast video, so hopefully in-hand pics will show them looking much better. The gloves are the only thing I fear may never be great - a cool concept that may have not worked.

Overall, this is a nice surprise. It certainly got the "2.0" treatment like Ben and Han did, which I was sort of expecting.:clap
Not defending it, just pointing out the obvious. Already said the gloves are bad and that I'd be swapping the cape. No different to the amount of work you need to put into most figures these days - but as a base, starting point... this decimates all previous 1/6 iterations.

Anyway, enjoy your SSC Vader!

PS: I'm going to mock the hell out of you if you end up getting the HT :wave

$300 for a base, starting point.... just saying...:lol
Not defending it, just pointing out the obvious. Already said the gloves are bad and that I'd be swapping the cape. No different to the amount of work you need to put into most figures these days - but as a base, starting point... this decimates all previous 1/6 iterations.

Anyway, enjoy your SSC Vader!

PS: I'm going to mock the hell out of you if you end up getting the HT :wave

Why would you mock me if I buy this?

There are these things called returns.

If I buy this and don't like it, I can get my money back! Anymore I don't trust the pictures. Most people try to manipulate the figure into looking good using photography tricks and lighting and other things I probably don't know how to do. I will trust my in hand opinion of me physically holding a figure and looking at it. Go ahead and read through the Kenobi thread. The headsculpt is a generic old man. Yet it arrives on my doorstep in 12 hours. If I don't like it, I lose $20 and return it, no big deal to me. Same will be said with this figure. The helmet is good, the costume is good, only issues are the two piece gloves and cape stitching (which I could look past). If this Vader ends up being in scale I will probably buy it and compare it with my SSC version and try to figure out a solution to the gloves. If I like my SSC more..... I can send it back.

Even then... after buying Kenobi... I am now just thinking of keeping it. Even if I still don't like the sculpt on Kenobi or the gloves on Vader... it would be nice to have the full roster of Hot Toys OT Star Wars figures.
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I don't give enough of a **** about the gloves on Vader to make me not want to buy it. I'll probably order this by the end of the month.
Take 2.

Anyone thinking that either of the SSC's look remotely good has got some serious issues with their eyesight. The Hot Toys looks like a full-size guy in a mask compared to the toys flanking it.

That, is a terrible pic of the ssc deluxe. I have that vader and it doesnt look anything like that.
The thing about the SS Vader that bugs me is the weird bodysuit/crotch area and how it rides up during poses. Basically, he only looks good in a standing position with the tunic or cape covering this area. This Vader looks to deliver some action poses that Ive been craving. The gloves are a small price to pay for everything else.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that the SS ANH and Deluxe gloves can be retrofitted on this guy. Badabing!
I will admit, two-piece glove choice is very odd. Perhaps they meant it as being able to add more articulation? Hopefully there are magnets or something that helps the flap stay flush to the hand.
I don't give enough of a **** about the gloves on Vader to make me not want to buy it. I'll probably order this by the end of the month.

My thoughts exactly..Just need the funds bro. My SS Vader is up for grabs as soon as I have time to list it on Ebay.
I think I read somewhere here that he's just flush with cash. If I was flush with cash I imagine I wouldn't mind losing 20 bucks each time I buy something I don't like.
Um. Shouldn't we all be keeping our opinions on this to ourselves until we have in hand pictures. I don't want this thread closed too. (´-`).。oO
Shows how smart you are. If you actually knew the symptoms of Aspergers you would know one could not diagnose it over the internet.

Ah, yes. That comes up again. Good. I casually mention it once in a heated disagreement and continue to be bombarded with the "ignorant *** rich kid" label. Great.

I guess that is what I get for trying to have an honest conversation with someone.

I typed that on my Ipad mini.... I will fix it for all those grammar Nazis out there.

Sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult. I was just explaining it to the guy who threw around having Aspergers as an insult. That wasn't cool.
Someone bring the marshmallows. It's getting hot in here.
In all seriousness, you guys need to relax. Arguing on the internet about an action figure is pretty lame. Go do something productive, like having a beer.
Ditto, I wasn't trying to be rude either and just having fun. yes, It wasn't cool about Asbergers either.

My ex tried to say that my daughter had that to collect benefits and I had to fight hard to keep her from taking her to every MD she could get to side with her. It was a hard time for me.

Honestly WWEJedi, I see your point exactly. 20 dollars is not a lot to lose if the product promised is not delivered. SS X-Wing Luke and Jango are good examples of how things can go downhill right before release.

Sorry, that wasn't meant as an insult. I was just explaining it to the guy who threw around having Aspergers as an insult. That wasn't cool.

Sorry if my reply came off as harsh... my bad. No need to apology, I knew it wasn't an insult since you posted it... just tired of that being brought up and lost my cool. :duff
That's offensive, guy. I've known people on the autism spectrum with more brains than you're showing.

Consider yourself reported.