1/6 Hot Toys - MMS 279 - Star Wars Episode IV: 1/6th scale Darth Vader

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The gloves on the Hot Toys figure are garbage and the cape stitching bothers me more and more. Not to mention it does not really scream ANH for me. The dome bothers me with the weathering. Even if it is screen accurate, I really don't care, I don't like it.

Kind of lose a bit of credibility in the "not accurate" argument when you say you don't things that are accurate because they don't suit your preference.

What you're really saying here is this isn't accurate to your personally idealised Vader, and you hate the gloves. Which is fine, but at least say that.

Honestly WWEJedi, I see your point exactly. 20 dollars is not a lot to lose if the product promised is not delivered. SS X-Wing Luke and Jango are good examples of how things can go downhill right before release.

I thought they also kept the NRD on returns as well...?
I'm at work for a few hours and the whole place has gone mad!

WWE - I'd mock you because you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about this figure. If you dislike it that much don't get it.

What is happening right now is what ALWAYS happens - everyone gets on the "hate train" based off the earliest, unfutzed, poorly lit, photos.

Surely we've all been in the game too long to carry-on like this? Let's wait for the in-hand, futzed photos before getting too worked up about it.

Leave it to Para, Matrix, Wor, Rory or any of the other talented futzing mo-fo's (respect to the many, many names I have forgotten) in here to work their magic and I'm sure in a couple of months we'll all be celebrating how amazing this figure is.

Just my 20 cents on the matter - not a personal attack at you WWE...

Why would you mock me if I buy this?

There are these things called returns.

If I buy this and don't like it, I can get my money back! Anymore I don't trust the pictures. Most people try to manipulate the figure into looking good using photography tricks and lighting and other things I probably don't know how to do. I will trust my in hand opinion of me physically holding a figure and looking at it. Go ahead and read through the Kenobi thread. The headsculpt is a generic old man. Yet it arrives on my doorstep in 12 hours. If I don't like it, I lose $20 and return it, no big deal to me. Same will be said with this figure. The helmet is good, the costume is good, only issues are the two piece gloves and cape stitching (which I could look past). If this Vader ends up being in scale I will probably buy it and compare it with my SSC version and try to figure out a solution to the gloves. If I like my SSC more..... I can send it back.

Even then... after buying Kenobi... I am now just thinking of keeping it. Even if I still don't like the sculpt on Kenobi or the gloves on Vader... it would be nice to have the full roster of Hot Toys OT Star Wars figures.
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This thread is a mess :lol

I kind of like this thread, I've learned some things about Vader I didn't know yet like his asymmetrical mask and the grey / black coloring. I do dislike the constant bashing from some members, men behave yourselves. Can we stay on topic and discuss this figure instead of calling each other words?
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Thread cleaned and reopened.
Well its off topic but it just suddenly caught my eye, he recently changed it. I didnt think someone like yankee would know a dutch metal band but u never know.
When the video started I was prepared to look at pre-ordering. I was even able to overlook the Hasbro talking gimmick.

The 54 second mark stopped me in my tracks.


Something oddly awkward about that.

Then 2 seconds later, those gloves again:


To be fair there was some pretty bad posing in that HT video.

Absolutly no need to spend over $400 CAN for a character I spend $250 CAN for a few years back.
When I or any friend and family walk by my SS Vader guess what they say………”Nice looking Vader”!!
Absolutly no need to spend over $400 CAN for a character I spend $250 CAN for a few years back.
When I or any friend and family walk by my SS Vader guess what they say………”Nice looking Vader”!!

Imagine what they'd say walking by and the HT one says something:horror
I missed a lot of action clearly.

Can't understand that, this figure looks much better than many of the previous HT Star Wars efforts -- meaning it seems like there's less to gripe about (gloves and stitching and small boxes).

I did just check the movie actually, and the HT chest box IS ridiculously small. Needs to be replaced with the larger SS one from ANH. If you don't have one available to you, then you MUST pass on this figure. Gloves can be hidden by hands on hips or holding lightsaber. Stitching... flip the edge of the cape over.

Again, the real test for most will be whomever posts the first in-hand picture of the SS ESB Vader next to this HT Vader. I have a feeling much of the negativity here is from people who have the SS Vader and are fighting the reality of this figure.

But look, you all know there's an HT ROTJ Vader on the horizon. The sooner this gets in hand, the sooner you will get the preview of that one.
Darn, I take a day off and miss a flame war :gah:

I'm getting this, throwing a bunch of RP's from SS at this to bring it down to $150 (what it really is worth...)