Super Freak
I just want to defend myself on some of this nonsense CQC threw at me earlier for no reason, so it's directed solely at him, I just saw it, I apologize to everyone else who've moved on, feel free to ignore and continue with the discussion.
I seem to flame things here? Count the last 30+ arguments and tell me in how many you've seen me participating? It's rhetorical, none, the last one was more a spirited debate than it was an argument, and pturtle and I have surprisingly different tastes when it comes to movies, annoy people into submission?
And lol at the part in bold, and destroy me?
i dont have any problems with gaspar but he seems to flame things a bit here too so i see the possibility of you guys hovering over a few threads where you tag team annoy people into submission or wanting to fight with you more.
I seem to flame things here? Count the last 30+ arguments and tell me in how many you've seen me participating? It's rhetorical, none, the last one was more a spirited debate than it was an argument, and pturtle and I have surprisingly different tastes when it comes to movies, annoy people into submission?

The "same" thing is not going on other threads, are you oblivious to the fact that the movie section IS a hot place to vent you opinions? I assume you've never had an argument with Thenammagazine or the already banned CelticPredator, everybody, and I mean everybody has had run ins with them, and I'm not the 1st one who's said that the movie section is a pain in the butt, Pliss and Solidus have stated that as well, don't try to base this whole passive aggressive self victimizing retort on an obvious joke I made assuming we go around trolling cause that's exactly what you've been doing in this thread lately.i dont see how you feel like were the inciters here. im not picking a fight, im over yesterdays atrocity. i just fail to understand how the same thing is going on in another thread and maybe more than just one and you guys think its us. im thinking logically here, not out of "feelings" as some would assume. when you say (i believe gasper) this is the first resolved fight in a peaceful way, it angers me because its usually you or pturtle that keeps justifying and who keeps on going to the point that we want to throw stuff instead of being the better man.
If I ever show a catty attitude here, and I rarely ever do, is cause I've picked it up from other members, including yourself, that's the way things work in here apparently, I realized that a long time ago. Whenever I say something is non sequitur, and I rarely say it, it's usually cause it's not well backed up, and that's not being passive aggressive, your whole post is passive aggressive.ive seen many "regulars" do a good job of backing off while non-sequitur are thrown (namely solidus and recently frank). youre passive aggressive comments are proof that youll never be able to shut your mouth no matter how subtle the comment is. (pturtle or gasper) cant you just not have a catty attitude? cant you just go on about your business? what is the point of comparing how horrible the movie section is to this thread?
What was even the whole point to this little rant? It's hypocritical at best, You said you don't have a problem with me yet you took worse jabs at me than whatever I said to Frank in the last argument, and I've never talked **** about anyone here, I've come to terms and even shared laughs with people I used to have very strong disagreements with.when i talk **** its about the game and you do it with people. you take everything personally instead of laying back and letting me throw jabs at the game, kiefer, or kojima. who cares if you dont like it? if you dont like something then do not discuss it. if you catch so much opposition that you feel you get a bad rap why keep coming back? (or going to those other aforementioned places) its because you like the fight. you cant wait for the time where you can try to prove a point, so you nitpick and circumvent to the point where people want to destroy you.
And lol at the part in bold, and destroy me?

I recognize the speech pattern, especially the part in bold, so you're the fake accounts guy huh? smhyou know what? i cant wait for this game to come out. its my most anticipated release of this year. its coming out right around my birthday. what perfect timing. im going to buy it in every region i can. ill even buy the demo disc. itll go good with my demos of mgs1, 2, 3, 4, pw/psp, and my hd collections, 20th anniversary collections, legacy collections, and copies of metal gear acid 1&2. i dont want to fight anymore, i just want to share in the love of mgsv with like minded people who really dont care what other fans say at all.
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