Damn it, I had too much fun toying with the guards on the main mission that I ended up wiping out everyone on the base.![]()
You did what?!
I've been thinking about extracting all of the soldiers on the base via the chopper. I need to find more tranq rounds, though.
Haha, I do think Kojima has a huge ego, but it's that dorky man-child quality who just loves what he does that allows me to him a pass in some respects. Admittedly that whole "Kojima kaminandesu" with Cecile's name in PW was definitely pushing it. It's like Miller was suddenly possessed by Kojima himself.
As one of the few remaining "auteur" game designers out there that has a huge creative influence over his own works, I can understand some of Kojima's sentiments regarding his team (not all of them, but some of them). That said, at least he goes out of his way to say that he does feel bad towards them for feeling that way, hence why he has hard time on taking a more strict stance towards his own team and why he listens when they say that some of his ideas are a little wonky (which is good too since it's like a bunch of internal editors without the leash/pressure of the suits).
EDIT- Just realized that pturtle's post disappeared.![]()
How would you know exactly
Considering as of August last year you had never even played a MGS game?
It's obvious you weren't ever a fan of the series growing up, so I have time taking anything you say seriously, in regards to any of the games that came before it
Wheres the hostility coming from? I became a fan since last August? How would you even know that![]()
You think I studied everything just so I can make friends here? If you would like I can private message you my MGS game collection if you need some sort of proof. I’m sorry my not wanting of David Hayter to voice Big Boss bothers you, but I’ve been a fan since the first MGS, call me a “Kojibro” whatever you want, but I think most of the members here know I’m a fan, and just as knowledgable on the series as anyone here. Why insult me after having a nice argument free debate?
In context of the conversation to me, yes. Do i really need to write imo or whatever after everything i post for people to understand it's a POV?
If you'd never played any of the other games or have only watched online play through's until recent times, how would one know any of the feelings that people developed while growing up with Hayter voicing Snake? They would have no connection to him or the character really in the context it was being discussed, so can't really have a valid point. How would he know how Hayter felt? without really experiencing the whole of Hayters career as Snake as even an outsider just playing as Snake. You can't come in at the end and lay laws down about something you haven't even experienced or followed for 10+ years, sorry.
It's been touched on before in here but someone who played the games when they came out, will most likely have different feelings for the characters and story than somebody who has had no emotional investment on a level up until recently times. Not a bad thing sure, if you just got into the series that's fine, but don't talk about past things that you got no way of relating to
If that's the case, I think some clarification is needed:
Not to put you through the ringer or anything, but it is a bit upsetting that David Hayter's staunchest critic in this thread (amongst other things) hasn't even played any one of his games?. It's puts a perspective that you don't know what you're talking about, and let alone, that we shouldn't have invested so much time arguing with you about in the past with trivial matters.
Okay I can understand the mix up now, I meant the original MG games. MGS1 was my first MGS like a lot of fans, and I eventually beat the original MG games that came with MGS3 but it was a bit of a chore to do since I did it so late. I understand the mix up now.
Every MGS game, and Rising I bought on release day and beat.
I don't think you were in the context that it was mentioned, and to what you were replying to in regards to Dylan's message. But, if you say so![]()
At least everyone's been good in this thread so far, so let's keep it that way.
Jesus, not all this again
Erm yeah, on the ghost town comment; I did the same, destroyed every destructable, killed every guard, blown up every vehicle, you can essentially empty the whole base.
I have almost extracted every guard in a play through before but not all of them yet.
The interview with Hayter was good, listened to it yesterday. It was pretty cringe-full when the interviewer didn't understand Hayter's obvious sarcasmOf course he knows what Ground Zeroes is, it was a joke
Glad he'd still come back, was always wondering about that.
This thread.
It’s okay to be wrong man, and I’m sure it took a while to find that post and try to bust me as some “new” fan, but anyone can read through that conversation at the time and tell I was talking about the original MG games. Whether you like me or hate me, I think everyone on here can admit they’ve seen me say countless times MGS1 is my favorite game of all time, and Hayter’s voice in that game was legendary. Just because I say some things about Hayter doesn’t mean I’m not a fan, in all honesty there hasn’t been any arguments on here, and I’ve been getting along with everyone, why try to start something like that out of nowhere, when me and Frank were having a friendly debate on Hayter/MGSV?
You don’t have to believe I’ve been a fan since 98, but I’m sure most of the other guys here do, and like I told Frank, if you want a pic of my collection just pm me, and I’ll send it to you.
Yeah, the only problem lies with Kojima and if he'd want him back. I'd like to think that that Hayter's fan petition wasn't all a wasted effort.
I wonder if Kojima wasn't even aware of it. Even if he was, he probably thought "oh not that stupid American again."