1/6 Hot Toys - MMS284 - Avengers: AoU - Ultron Prime Collectible Figure

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Mine came in today. It is defective so I'm either going to take a hammer to it or return it(whatever SS determines). It's a lot lighter than I expected but very stable, it doesnt need a stand. Great paint but I had a little buyers remorse after fiddling with it but he is essential for a complete AoU collection so I gotta have it.

Mine came in today. It is defective so I'm either going to take a hammer to it or return it(whatever SS determines). It's a lot lighter than I expected but very stable, it doesnt need a stand. Great paint but I had a little buyers remorse after fiddling with it but he is essential for a complete AoU collection so I gotta have it.

what's wrong with it? and what don't you like about it?
This is a figure I've been torn on buying since POs went up. Really want the final form Ultron but seems I'm gonna have to settle for this one. Don't see HT doing any more versions of him.
This is a figure I've been torn on buying since POs went up. Really want the final form Ultron but seems I'm gonna have to settle for this one. Don't see HT doing any more versions of him.

i was on the fence as well. BBTS finally has it, and it's paid for. so, unless hot toys miraculously announces an ultimate ultron between now and BBTS getting the mark 45 in.. i'll have prime.

plus, if we do get an ultimate ultron, it won't be for at least another year, so prime would serve as a nice placeholder.
There's a good chance they announce ultimate this year but as was said it's probably at least a year out production wise. Probably more.

I highly recommend the prime figure. It's very impressive in person. Yes, it looks better lighted. But that wouldn't change with ultimate. But it looks stunning all lit up. I think it's a top line figure
If you can't live without the lights being on all the time, then pass, because the lights are a pain in the arse to turn on and off. If you can enjoy top notch paint job, great details, awesome shelf presence, innovative articulation, Marvel villainy, can afford it & get past the lights not being on all the time then get.
If you can't live without the lights being on all the time, then pass, because the lights are a pain in the arse to turn on and off. If you can enjoy top notch paint job, great details, awesome shelf presence, innovative articulation, Marvel villainy, can afford it & get past the lights not being on all the time then get.

Excellent summation.
People who are on the fence, just know that pics don't do this thing justice. I've never owned a figure like this before. This and the 45 will be the real gems of my collection.
All the good reviews in this thread for Ultron Prime really is enticing me to get one too (as soon as possible :lol ).

Actually I had paid deposit to a local store when it went up for pre-order. But due to whatever issue of the store not being able to have the figure in-stock, they have refunded me my deposit.

I have found another local store that currently has it. But I'm putting it on hold for now. Saving for Mark45 first, then see whether to buy Ultron Prime later.

Although I have the fund to get both Ultron and Mark45(when in-stock), I may have lose just a little interest in Prime throughout the year and the refund of my deposit made me rethink whether get Utron Prime again... Maybe I'll get Prime sooner or later.

Also, Ultimate Ultron looks cool with his vibranium armour, but personally I still prefer Prime with his details of panel lines throughout the body. :D
I really don't want to bash the figure, and I can totally see why it is still appealing for multiple reasons, but that face.. man that face :slap
Managed to score this guy for cheap on a business trip. When I first opened him up, I was quite underwhelmed and that face... Lol but once I put him in a detolf and have the lights shine on him,, he looked amazing. I was going to sell him back out but I don't know anymore...he is really an eye turner in the collection. Here is a pic :clap
I think I'm gonna sell mine

he was mostly an impulse buy and I just feel...meh overall about the figure

the face looks really bad without the lights on and he's just so massive it's hard to find a spot to display him

he's still setting on my table, I haven't even posed him yet

hopefully I can flip him real quick and use the money for the mk 46
I really don't want to bash the figure, and I can totally see why it is still appealing for multiple reasons, but that face.. man that face :slap

Yeah, I wish his face had more of an expression to it. I think it would've looked much better without the lights on.
Imagine this would have been the Hot Toys version :inlove

View attachment 273759

I just can't stand the Movie Ultron and even less the HT rendering, so I bought the Revoltech :dunno

Sorry, but if you think the face on this looks better than the HT version, I just can't see that. The red eyes on the Revoltech do look good, but the details on it fail in comparison to the HT version.
He looks literally dead without without the lights on. HT, bring on Ultimate Ultron with painted red eyes! Screw the light-up function.

Seems unlikely. Painted eyes don't better represent the on screen look, and if they do it most people would look at it as a step back or them being cheap. Ultimate would use prime for many parts. The eyes in the film are not just red, they are lit up.
Seems unlikely. Painted eyes don't better represent the on screen look, and if they do it most people would look at it as a step back or them being cheap. Ultimate would use prime for many parts. The eyes in the film are not just red, they are lit up.

i agree. if i could choose between the way they are now or non light up red eyes, i'd choose the light up eyes.

i do think they could be improved when not lit though. maybe some paint on the eyes themselves could help. but honestly, i think an expression on his face would really have helped it look better without the lights on. luckily that wouldn't really be necessary for an ultimate version since he has that helmet-ish looking head.

i would like to see the light up function look closer to the ultron prime prototype however. i'm not sure what they changed or why they changed it.. but i think the eyes of the initial prototype looked great. and while i think the eyes on prime look extremely cool (i LOVE how it looks like they follow the camera in photos) i think the prototypes eyes looked a little more accurate. it's not a big deal though, i don't need them to be perfect. i think for prime i'd rather have an expression over accurate light up eyes.

i'm definitely getting more excited to have prime in my hands.. i hope BBTS gets mark 45 in sooner than it took them to get prime, but i think that's unlikely. oh well. i really hope we get an ultimate version. if we do, i think i may pick up the mark 1 as well to show the evolution of his design.
Just got this today. I bought this guy knowing I was going to rework it. First thing is I love thelook of the lights but they aren't ever going to be turned on in my display so I'm painting to look on. But the biggest thing I think HT missed was the body is really a beautiful silver and well applied but all the screen caps I see, he is darker and has almost has a mottled effect. It reminds me of HT's RoboCop. He's just too clean looking. I think I have a handle on that. I will say he is a lot more posable than what I got from people's pictures. Oh and the other thing is his eyes are just way too small. I've already carved them out and I got to say it makes a difference. I'll post pics when I get everything done. Really liking this guy minus the few problems.
From what I can tell they changed the lights due to how it looked when lit. The Proto had painted eyes and what not to simulate what th eventual look would be with lights. When the Proto was done the lights had not yet been fully designed and laid out. And when lit the red just washed the whole eye out so they changed it. Obviously it would be better if it looked just as good, or at least more lifelike, when off. That's not what I was saying. But when they are choosing between making it look the best at any one time versus looking ok most th time, well it makes more sense for marketing and business if it can be made to look great, even if it's limited time, then just ok for more time. There are ways they could improve it, and I'm sure IF they make another version they will. They almost always do. But I just don't expect them to have a CG character looking perfect first try (or ever really, but especially first time out) when it's lit and when it's off and all that. It's the best version available. And despite the issues with it when it's not lit...it's a great figure.

Plus it has, imo, the best base to date. Second is the mk45 for me.