Hot Toys - MMS 68 - The Dark Knight - 1/6th scale The JOKER collectible figure

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I think the DA sculpt (middle one) beats the hell out of the HT one. My favorite is the DC Direct/Les head, probably because it is based on an actual Ledger scan.
Seriously, how many people here are going to take their Hot Toys Joker to see TDK; sit it next to you, customize a small popcorn bucket for it?

"See him, he's your Daddy!"
I'm gonna have a crack at customising the Hot Toys sculpt when i get it...should tide me over until i hopefully get the FML repaint...BO!
Seriously, how many people here are going to take their Hot Toys Joker to see TDK; sit it next to you, customize a small popcorn bucket for it?

"See him, he's your Daddy!"

Seriously, how many people here are going to take their Hot Toys Joker to see TDK; sit it next to you, customize a small popcorn bucket for it?

"See him, he's your Daddy!"

Good One! :lol

Or just pull it right out of the screen and take it home. I know my guys will be hangin' with me come TDK DVD time!
To me, each head has it's own merit. The DCD head (with Les rework) is fantastic, and the best likeness so far IMO. Mine was good for it's time, before anything was around to use as decent reference.... but it's far from a likeness. It was an existing head that I sculpted scars and hair onto, just lucked out and it was close to Heath. The HT one, I can't judge yet... simply because I don't have it in hand to do so. But I think with a repaint, it will be good.
To me, each head has it's own merit. The DCD head (with Les rework) is fantastic, and the best likeness so far IMO. Mine was good for it's time, before anything was around to use as decent reference.... but it's far from a likeness. It was an existing head that I sculpted scars and hair onto, just lucked out and it was close to Heath. The HT one, I can't judge yet... simply because I don't have it in hand to do so. But I think with a repaint, it will be good.

Totally agree there...its like the HT Ripley sculpt. Weaver is there somewhere, just needs the right care to bring it out.

BTW Josh, your repaint was great imo SERIOUSLY. You, Les an Darren Carnell are the standout artists here.
How about the DA sculpt painted by Les:

It's all good man... I wasn't trying to attack you or anything.

I just wanted to illustrate that that version of my Joker is the one that I disliked the most. And I would also like to say that the head above was painted BEFORE most of the pics were leaked so I didn't have as much to work with.

I don't mind criticism, just seems like a lot of the time you post in my threads.. it is just to talk about how you don't like my methods or style.

I will agree though, that repaint was crap. Not my best work at all, and certainly not representative of what I normally churn out.

I apologize if that's the impression I give. I'll be honest. I don't care for most of your human repaints. However, I love most of your non human ones. I think your repaint of Nosferatu into an SSE is one of the best repaints I've ever seen. I also think your Michael Myers figure is an incredible job. I'll try to be less harsh in my criticisms in the future.:peace
:lol Thanks Wanderer...

Les work on my reworked sculpt was inspirational for me, really helped me with my future Joker sculpt paint jobs. Every one of them has gotten better and it is primarily from that artistic fusion.
I apologize if that's the impression I give. I'll be honest. I don't care for most of your human repaints. However, I love most of your non human ones. I think your repaint of Nosferatu into an SSE is one of the best repaints I've ever seen. I also think your Michael Myers figure is an incredible job. I'll try to be less harsh in my criticisms in the future.:peace

It's cool man, I was a bit drunk last night and wasn't having a good night. Sorry to take it out on you like that.

I do have to agree with you on where my talents lie. Human repaints are hit and miss with me, I just don't get into them as much. But horror really gets my creative juices flowing, so I can see exactly what you see too. :lol
That's true, you do very nicely at horror Josh. You've got crazy talent.

It's difficult to nit pick and point out dislikes sometimes without it sounding like "this sucks". I know I've deleted several critical posts of various artists' work before I submitted it because they came across as too negative.

I definitely applaud you for tackling the Joker when there were only 1 or 2 grainy pics out there. I remember thinking, "wow he's certainly starting early, what if the film joker looks nothing like that or what if Hot Toys, etc come out with more accurate versions?" I'm impressed your version came out so close to the screen Joker but still has a wonderful style and interpretation all his own.
That's true, you do very nicely at horror Josh. You've got crazy talent.

It's difficult to nit pick and point out dislikes sometimes without it sounding like "this sucks". I know I've deleted several critical posts of various artists' work before I submitted it because they came across as too negative.

I definitely applaud you for tackling the Joker when there were only 1 or 2 grainy pics out there. I remember thinking, "wow he's certainly starting early, what if the film joker looks nothing like that or what if Hot Toys, etc come out with more accurate versions?" I'm impressed your version came out so close to the screen Joker but still has a wonderful style and interpretation all his own.

Thanks man. I think I did ok. Some things weren't as accurate, and corners that I had to cut... due to lack of certain skills or connections. But with what I had, I felt that it was a good attempt. It certainly has gotten better, but not at all as accurate as it could be. But, I will always look at it as something that moved me forward as an artist and taught me a good bit about large scale custom projects.

Most importantly, it taught me to never bite off more than I can chew and also how NOT to price something. :lol

That's how I feel too about criticism... when handled right.. helps. I think artists respond better to something more along the lines of.. "Well, the head itself is fine... just the lines are too harsh and the eyes are crooked." or "The head looks great, buy you dropped the ball on the clothing a bit."

Then the artist knows what to do to remedy his/her flaws. But to simply say "God, that sucks." and move along... doesn't help anyone. :lol

It's a tricky balance. We all try to do good work, and when you mess up... you want to know. Just needs to be approached with caution, even the nicest person can misinterpret words and feel attacked.
Josh, your Joker will always stand as something more special than a 100% accurrate figure could ever be. You took a tragic loss and molded it into something powerful, art. While others wept, you created. You took a face that looked minimally like Heath and transformed it and created a piece that stands as a sign of admiration for a fine young actor, and all the accurrate figures in the world can never take that away from your figure. It's original, inspired, and one of a kind.
This is some of the most interesting dialogue I have read in a thread in a long time.
Josh, bravo bro. Hang in there! Always thought you gave as good as you got.
As for comparing....:rolleyes:
Ok, we all have our specialities, and Josh is an amazing artist as is, but I have been preaching to this guy, that his niche is HORROR! He is after all, the DARK ARTIST. Well named, and well earned.

As for these Jokers, I like what Sean says, they all capture some rudimentary aspect of Heath's performance. I think Josh did a capital job in picking out a head and reworking it that first go round. AND, I prefer it to the Linda Blair, I mean, Hot Toys one. Mine, as stated, is simply a reworked DCD laser scan, so of course it resembles Ledger, he sat for it!

So, it's all about the drama, style and paints. I can't wait to see a Darren or Xeno or some of the other guys who paint, paintup of this character, or other variations and iterations of either the HT or DCD or Josh's head. All have their points. Once we have ACTUALLY SEEN the movie...pause for effect...I imagine a lot of new ideas will be springing forth also.

Just think, it's less than a week away, we will have seen what this face actually does on screen. In action. And yes, I am actually taking my own custom figure to the movie, as the crew of the theatre wants me to, and a lot of folks here want to see it, and let's face it, that is one of the best built in audiences for showing something like this off, other than here, so I guess I will. Need to put him in a secure box though. No one touches it!!! :whip

Anyway, can't wait to get my HT one now. HE will be a messed up one I think. Either the interrogation or that wild shot on the rooftop Sean posted...we will see.

So, continue. This is a cool thread conversation going.

Oh, and I bite my nails. :eek: Bad OLD habit. Tried to grow them out recently and stop that habit, and they got in the way of my work. Drove me crazy with the paint on and under them! Back to what I know. I can control that! :D
This is some of the most interesting dialogue I have read in a thread in a long time.

Well, it certainly beats the thousands of posts I've read here throughout the years that are nothing more than

:rock :rock :rock

So, as you say, let's keep it going...

As for comparing....:rolleyes:

Why the rolling eyes, mate? Is comparison not a valid form of critique? If, as MF very correctly states, we're talking about "works of art", that type of examination is to be expected, even encouraged.

You say that they all "capture some rudimentary aspects" in their own unique way, but that to me is exactly why they should be compared and contrasted.

I prefer it to the Linda Blair, I mean, Hot Toys one.

Devil's Advocate; What if I came around and said that I "didn't care for the Matthew McConaughey, I mean, DA version"?

Obviously this is pure conjecture, but I have a feeling that three or four or you would immediately jump down my throat and defend the piece, citing how it was created with love and care. As you should, by the way; It would be disrespectful of me to dismiss the piece so quickly. That being said, in a thread that's being praised for it's discussion on the etiquette of critique, it seems a bit hypocritical.

Hot Toys put just as much time and effort (the argument could be made that they put in even more) into their Joker as our talented customizers did. Shouldn't they be afforded the same "respect"? Again; I'm purely playing Devil's Advocate here for the sake of discussion.

Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas?

If not, we can always just go back to the bog standard...

"Awsome! This Joker iz teh sex!" :chew :chew :chew

...kinda stuff. :D
I do sometimes get the feeling that some folk (myself included) fear to critique work done by our fellow freaks for fear of upsetting the apple cart however, perversely, taking pot shots at the work of Hot Toys, Medicoms artists etc seems okay. I guess we should sometimes take a step back to make a balanced view of the art we see.
I'm sure D.A, Les and many other guys an gals out there value rational views of there works both positive and negative. I'm from an artistic background and know for fact i continue to learn and improve with feedback i get from my peers.
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